Friday, September 4, 2020
Health Care Finance (Module 1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Medicinal services Finance (Module 1) - Essay Example Texas doesn't forestall youngsters whose guardians have no citizenship from picking up help benefits gave the kid himself is a legitimate resident or migrant. No such condition is accessible in the territory of Oklahoma (OKDHS). Texas additionally gives exceptional guide to representatives of the State of Texas (CHIP). In any case, for its own part, Oklahoma enjoys giving advantages and administrations to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Matured and handicapped (physical and mental) residents are set in one gathering by the two states. Oklahoma gives help to any matured individual under 65 while Texan guides its old residents at 60 years old. Oklahoma is unmistakable of the conditions that must be met by a person to accomplish help: a psychological or physical weakness, malady or misfortune must have the option to proceed for in any event a year. Alongside this it is essential for the person to show how his inability forestalls his business or capacity to work. In the event that this is met, there is a further possibility that this individual probably won't have the option to get full guide, rather getting conclusions or co-installments. Texas has a far reaching list for the residents deprived to pick a nursing home (private or medical clinic based) or a nursing home for the intellectually impeded.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Assignment System Evaluation Paper Essay
Epic is secretly held human services programming organization. In 1979, it was set up by Judith Faulkner. The association headquarters was in Madison, Wisconsin, yet in 2005 the association moved to Vernon, Wisconsin. The product’s business is wellbeing mindfulness affiliations, and it is an entrancing set-up of human administrations programming focused on a MUMPS database. (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multiple Programming System). It is a programming lingo that was made in the 1960 and a while later used for the wellbeing mindfulness affiliations. It is an inside and out various language structure lingo and wording. MUMPS is an inalienable database, engaging elevated level access to plate amassing, using an essential normal undertaking factors. The programming vernacular is in like manner used as a piece of keeping cash frameworks and web trading organizations. With the progression of a prebuilt database, Epic writing computer programs is easily acquainted and stay ed aware of the current IT system in the affiliation. Epic System gives the human administrations organization programming that fuses financial and clinical information over the relationship in one database. The systems programming joins booking, charging, enlistment, research office, genuine thinking ahead workplaces, emergency, recuperating focus sedate store, radiology, medical procedure, inpatient, outpatient, electronic prosperity records, to administered mind association. Outline, in the emergency room, Epic helps with a lively way on powerful patient psyche by having a point and snap on records to enrolling new patient in, dealing with charging requests and issues, to bunk availability, to a quick association with the medication store on this one patient. The structure moreover allows the facility to import records to various specialists once the patient is released from the mending place. Today in the 21st century, more complement set on paperless and furthermore going electronic, even in the helpful field. This frameworkâ additionally allows more patients to be increasingly included about their prescriptions by having more get to their therapeutic records. By getting to website page from their home patients can move photos, redesign medications, and anaphylaxes that they may have, see decrees, take care of tabs on the web, point of view test results, plan tasks, see past, and moving toward game plans and top off cures. Thusly, specialists should be reliant upon the pace, on schedule, on an arrangement, and use an unrivaled mechanical assembly that has more than 100 separate distinguishing strengths Epic is known to have as of late that. Epic structures moreover allows specialists and other human administrations staff to get to the system while making modifies in the entries, or essentially a long way from the doctor’s office or office by synchronizing the ite m to their Pda’s, I pads, and cell phones. While a long way from the work environment or mending office specialists and other human administrations staff investigating their patients traces, look for postings, plan tasks, send messages, e-suggest, do correspondences in the charts, and look at clinical imaging get. Course of action Link on the Epic structure gives a provider and a payor affiliation breathing space by adding an organization available to the managers by methods for web. The provider can cause referrals, to get supports notification and reviews statuses of cases they are incorporated. Course of action Link organization licenses them to print settlement direction reports, save calls, and mailing costs. The payors can even get to their online premium receipts for portion. In 2002, there were essentially in excess of 500 agents at the Epic Corporation, today it is in excess of 3,800 laborers there. The organization has in excess of 165 customers from the reasonable size helpful get-together, immense remedial affiliation, youngsters’ relationship to a variable tremendous mending office structure. Epic today has in excess of 50 million American people in the Epic programming prosperity records. I worked with Epic Systems a year back and what this structure can do makes me proud that was some bit of the remedial affiliation going into the inevitable destiny of advancement. Epic has created over the span of late years; the request is Epic going Global. If this association was to go around the world, look how it would change the manner in which people fly out and hoping to go to the recuperating office abroad. It will diminish ineligible strategies, decrease duplicate solicitations, decrease the threat of solution botches and reductionâ protection cost. Dickman in this article discussed keeping up the accompanying key bit of Epic, and it is to perceive the exceptional time of pioneers for this association, getting them arranged for the accompanying time of Epic structures (Marc Eisen, 2008). Today the association has gone around the world, Epic Corporation has enlarge their desires to abroad in Holland. Dickman has communicated that the association starting at now have two understanding and examining more. References Unknown, 2013. Epic Corporation. Recovered from Marc Eisen, June, 2008. Epic Systems: Epic Tale. Recovered from:
Saturday, August 22, 2020
United States and Israel Essay Example for Free
US and Israel Essay The Israeli government, in contrast to the United States, is a multiparty Parliamentary Republic. It runs as nonfederalist government and goes about as the focal government in Jerusalem. A definitive authority doesn't lie in the Constitution like most popularity based nations nor the official branch. A definitive expert in Israel is the authoritative branchâ€the Knesset. The nation has no composed Constitution. Government exercises and approaches are guided by the essential laws passed by the Parliament. The legislature has three primary branches: the official, the authoritative or the Knesset and the legal executive. In contrast to a vote based express, these three parts of the administration don't hold equivalent forces. The President has restricted force and isn't chosen by the individuals. The President is chosen by the Knesset and may serve for a limit of two terms, each having multi year length. He fills in as leader of the state however just holds stylized capacities, for example, opening the Knessets first meeting and getting strategic agents from different nations (MSN Encarta Online Encyclopedia n. pag. ). The legal executive then again chooses cases and makes sure that equity is met. The authoritative then again is the most impressive assortment of government. They make the law and control all administration forms. It is made out of 120 individuals who serve on a multi year term. Its fundamental capacity is to decide the members’ trust in the legislature. A demonstration of majority disapproval is sufficient to topple the legislature, be that as it may, in Israels history, a demonstration of general disapproval has just happened onceâ€1990 (Jewish Virtual Library n. pag. ). The political race process in Israel isn't as liberal as in the United States. National races in Israel happen once like clockwork and on the civil level, when at regular intervals. All Israelis who are 18 years of age or more have the privilege of testimonial. In any case, dissimilar to in the United States where explicit people are decided in favor of, the Israelis are just permitted to decide in favor of a gathering. Each gathering that craving to run for the decisions concocts a rundown of their up-and-comers and the individuals pick which list they like. The quantity of competitors from a gathering that would go into the House of Representatives or the Knesset is relative to the level of votes got by the rundown. So portrayal in the Congress is reliant on party support and not so much on singular help. In the United States, portrayal in Congress isn't subject to a specific gathering list. For somebody to guarantee a seat in the US Senate, he should be in any event 30 years of age, and inhabitant of the state where he is chosen, among others, for the House of Representatives, he should be an occupant of the District where he was chosen. The US Constitution gives that the Senator and the Congressmen speak to the reason for the individuals inside their division, the individuals from the Knesset then again don't have a similar duty. They were not casted a ballot to speak to a specific region or state, they were casted a ballot to make the essential laws for the nation and hold the best force in the land. In the United States, the forces of Congress are controlled by their Constitution. In Israel, the forces of the Knesset are dictated by the agents themselves, the Declaration of Independence and the fundamental rules that everyone must follow (Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia n. pag. ). The residents in the United States partake uninhibitedly in the political procedure as they are conceded such right by their Constitution. The Israelis hate a similar right on the grounds that the Knesset controls the political procedure. They make the law and give the individuals constrained rights to interfere in the political procedure, even the Executive branch and the legal executive have restricted forces with regards to the countrys political undertakings. Because of the absence of Constitution that will secure their privileges, the individuals of Israel don't have an entrance to a built up and fair framework rule of law. They just approach the fundamental laws which were made by the Knesset. This sort of law doesn't ensure insurance consistently on the grounds that they are as yet dependent upon the impulses and eccentricities of the Knesset. They can without much of a stretch be abrogated and supplanted whenever not at all like on the off chance that they have a Constitution, they will have more noteworthy rights since it will take an increasingly thorough procedure under the watchful eye of this law can be changed. A Constitution gives the fundamental privileges of each resident and evens out the intensity of everybody. Nobody in the Constitution has more force when contrasted with the other and the usage of rights gave in that isn't dependent upon the fancies of the officials. Its soundness makes the individuals progressively secure that their privileges will be ensured consistently. The United States, having its very own Constitution, the individuals have an entrance to a set up and impartial arrangement of law. Nonetheless, the nonappearance of a Constitution doesn't imply that all the privileges of the individuals are as of now inaccessible. The individuals of Israel practice the opportunity of articulation and conviction. There is no law that endeavors to channel the news that the media passes on, actually, opportunity of the press is profoundly appreciated by communicators. The Declaration of Independence specifies the standard of opportunity of articulation and made sure about in the fundamental law made by the Knesset. Open investigation is predominant in Israeli news. Prior to 1993, media outfits were government claimed yet the administration chose to change this approach and opened it for private possession. There are around thirty day by day papers in Israel, half are written in Hebrew and the other half are written in different dialects (MSN Encarta Online Encyclopedia n. pag. ). The media in Israel appreciates a similar opportunity as the media in the United States. They can give an account everything being equal and can unreservedly scrutinize the failings of the administration. Middle Easterner columnists in Palestine or the Middle East despise similar rights. The nation additionally has individuals a rich blend of strict gatherings and every religion has its own school, chambers and courts that chooses local issues, for example, marriage and separation (Jewish Virtual Library n. pag. ). The Israelis likewise appreciate the opportunity to collect and to relate. They are not restricted by the administration to let some circulation into their suppositions to government arrangements through meetings and fights (Jewish Virtual Library n. pag. ). Socially, Israelis likewise appreciate opportunity. They give full equity to ladies they are not separated when contrasted with other Arab nations. They likewise perceive the distinctions of sexual direction. In contrast to most social orders, homosexuality isn't a wrongdoing in Israel. Individuals are regarded the manner in which others communicate for themselves or see themselves to be. There is additionally no separation in employments. The Israeli Arabs can be utilized to humble occupations and even as Supreme Court Justices (Jewish Virtual Library n. pag. ) regarding buying private property, the administration doesn't confine its buy. In spite of the theories of certain writers, an Arab or a Jew may purchase private property in Israel. There is no separation as to race or conviction. In any case, the administration restricts the acquisition of state land or those that are claimed by the state to the two Arabs and Jews. The preclusion is relevant to all. A few columnists and experts, be that as it may, accept something else (Middle East Quarterly n. pag. ). Works refered to â€Å"Fact Sheets†n. d. Jewish Virtual Library 11 May 2008 http://72. 14. 235. 104/search? q=cache:oI9BaF-Sxd4J: www. html+freedom+to+assemble+and+associate+in+Israelhl=tlct=clnkcd=3gl=phclient=firefox-a â€Å"Israel†n. d. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 11 May 2008 http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761575008_8/Israel. html â€Å"The Israeli Governmentâ€How Does it Work? †n. d. Jewish Virtual Library. 11 May 2008 http://72. 14. 235. 104/search? q=cache:d_6PPHEkj0sJ:www. jewishvirtuallibrary. organization/jsource/Politics/how_govt_works. html+The+Israeli+Government+How+Does+It+Work%3Fhl=tlct=clnkcd=2gl=phclient=firefox-a Safian, Alexander. 1997 December. â€Å"Can Arabs Buy Land in Israel? †Middle East Quarterly. http://72. 14. 235. 104/search? q=cache:1bvrvPsLhg4J:www. meforum. organization/article/370+private+property+purchase+in+Israelhl=tlct=clnkcd=1gl=phclient=firefox-a â€Å"US Congress†n. d. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 11 May 2008 http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761554908_2/Congress. html â€Å"US Government. †n. d. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopeda. 11 May 2008 http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_1741500781/United_States_Government. html
Life Affirming Teaching
In what capacity can we as a people present a real existence insisting method of instructing? A freeing and human opportunity approach. I will endeavor to give you that is can be a progressively astounding method of educating. Through freedom, responsibility, inventiveness, basic cognizance a nd human opportunity. In the Webster's word reference it says that â€Å"Life - Affirming intends to demonstrating that life is esteem: positive and idealistic. What's more, Albert Einstein has been cited as saying, â€Å"The significant thing isn't to quit addressing. Interest has its ow n purpose behind existing. One can't resist the opportunity to be in stunningness when he mulls over the puzzles of endlessness, of life, of the glorious structure of reality.â It is sufficient in the event that one attempts simply to understand a tad bit of this secret each day.†(â€Å"NOVA|Einstein Quotes| PBS†2018) It is said that â€Å"Liberation is a praxis; the activity and impression of people upon their reality so as to change it†(Freire,79). Learning can bring a freeing experience for an understudy. It can open up one's creative mind to perceive th at they, the understudy, as they learn, can educate moreover. In Paulo Freire's book â€Å"Pedagogy of the Oppressed†it is referenced that the way that we have been educated is a greater amount of the financial framework. It has a describing â€Å"subject†which is the educator and the â€Å"object†which is the understudy. The educators task is to â€Å"fill†the understudies with the substance of the instructor's â€Å"narrative†. (Freire,71) In a way that represents void words as one instructs, with no emotional change or force behind them. Training turns into a demonstration of dep ositing, in which the understudies are the safes and the instructor is the investor. (Freire,72) This helps me to remember the progressive system perspective, in light of the fact that the way the financial idea of instruction as indicated by Freire is that â€Å"knowledge is a blessing presented by the individuals who see themselves as learned upon those whom they consider to know nothing†(Freire,72) At the point when the instructor can limit the informed it can carry a feeling of unavoidable weakness to the understudy, which can create a greater amount of an oppression.ED Darlene Hooks Sring/2018 2 Gain ing training has been one of the most constrained method of being in our general public. One can't pick up work without a specific endorsement or experts. It is said that an instruction can make you rich, while others without training have become well off . Training be it, Christian or common has assumed a tremendous job in replicating individuals who have not or won't have an independent mind. It's alm ost as though they are situated in dread, on the grounds that as per society, one can't acquire riches without instruction. Accor ding to Entrepreneur site, a training can either be a venturing stone or a detour on the way to accomplishment. (Smale) We should then move toward training in a manner to free one's mind and supplant a harsh perspective to teach others that they excessi vely can be inventive. The arrangement isn't to â€Å"integrate†them into the structure of persecution, however to change that struc ture with the goal that they can become â€Å"beings for themselves†. (Freire,74) Our obligation as instructors ought to be to connect with our understudies into association to assist them with having a suspicion that all is well and good. †Feelings of frailty acquire confusion one's life and with them a shi ft in context which prompts a diminishing in personal satisfaction and capacity to encounter joy. Indeed, feeling uncertain influences all parts of oneself: dynamic, connections, self - see, innovativeness, etc.†(Pitaru) If weakness is fit for affecting all parts of our lives then we have to endeavor to make the learning experience as secure as workable for the understudies. Learning happens inside the interrelatedness of all parts of human experience. (Miller,1995) Our human experience or so me may state human opportunity is something we as a whole have a genuine right to. As Groom says, People who endure an absence of opportunity knows it, in its nonappearance. (Groom,83) He likewise expresses that â€Å"The beginning stage for avowing our opportunities for opportunity is the bibl ical guarantee that we are made by a free maker. (Groome, 84) We are made in the picture and resemblance of a celestial being that has told us the best way to live in opportunity. We are free basically forED Darlene Hooks Sring/2018 3 God since it is just by saying yes to the picture of whom we are a reflection that we can say yes to our own valid selves, and just as our own actual selves would we be able to be free. (Groome,84) With opportunity comes a wonderful thing called freedom. Freedom requires basic cognizance a nd inventive idea. The most significant explanation behind freedom in instruction lies in its drive towards compromise. (Freire,72) The financial framework won't work in freed training setting since that framework mirrors persecution. Persecution can be a controlling component that can smother one's development and can make demise one's being. Mistreatment †overpowering control †is necrophilic; it is fed by adoration for death, not life. (Freire,77) Once an individual learns this there is no returning to the old perspective. There is an extending of sorts, in an individual's brain and one perceives that they won't be persecuted any more. There is an opportunity in information and it is there to liberate the abused. â€Å"To instruct as the act of opportunity is a method of instructing that anybody c a learn. (Snares, 13) It is achievable for anybody of us, and anybody can show it, with an open heart, mind and a sense for variability. As indicated by Groom in the three elements of human opportunity, we have, in our opportunity for God the ability to â€Å"know†g ood (discerning opportunity), to unreservedly â€Å"choose†the great, (opportunity for decision, opportunity for internal impulse), and to â€Å"do†the great (opportunity for activity, opportunity from outside limitation or subjugation). (My accentuation) (Groome,85) If we realize then we can pick and afterward we can move with activity and do. That is the means by which we can push ahead in perceiving that we can learn just as instruct in a manner that can bring us freedom. We can in the long run educate with a real existence - attesting way. As per Groom, the balanced of our opportunity is pull in our capacity for self - reflection, which communicates the extraordinary parts of being human. This can enable us to know the great with adequate lucidity to be considered mindful. (Groome, 85) Without this accountabilityED Darlene Hooks Sring/2018 4 opportunity would be non - existent. At the end of the day, we have opportunity of decision even to the point of having the option to pick unfreedom. (Groome, 86) Action is the following period of opportunity, how would we showcase our actual opportunity? All things considered, as per Groome, our opportunity for God and consequently for ourselves is acknowledged in our opportunity for other people. (Groome, 86) We need to be free however we are not really free until we live in a perspective that we are to be of administration to other people. That is an excellent definitio n of offering back to our networks and understudies. Genuine opportunity is â€Å"Freedom for God is a chance of true opportunity for oneself†. (Groome, 87) How would we experience this â€Å"freedom†we have been liberally given? As indicated by Groome its through Jesus Chris t, with a Christian point of view. (Groome, 88) In James 1:25 (NRSV) â€Å"But the individuals who investigate the ideal law, the law of freedom, and drive forward, being not listeners who overlook but rather practitioners who act †they will be honored in their doing†. We can and will be honored when we settle on the cognizant choice to help other people. The opportunity we gain isn't for only us however for those whose lives we contact. The individuals who we can impart our reality to and show that God's opportunity is an everlasting one, not a shallow one. 1 Peter 2:16 , it says, â€Å"As hirelings of God, live as free individuals, yet don't utilize your opportunity as an affection for evil†. To be devoted, is a decision and to serve is a way we can flourish in opportunity. Opportunity isn't only a self - serving opportunity of â€Å"I can do anything I desire, when I want†True opportunity in Christ is as a rule allowed to free others. Opportunity for God is simply the chance of au thentic opportunity for oneself. (Groome,87) In Christ we would now be able to be liberated from whatever is endeavoring to stop our opportunity. For those of us who are of the Christian confidence we accept that we have an opportunity in our conviction framework, notwithstanding, for the individuals who are n ot devotees. I have discovered that they also have an opportunity in or on the off chance that they have a profound experience. One can say my direction is truth one more personED Darlene Hooks Sring/2018 5 may state, â€Å"but no, my way is truth†. I have discovered that whoever or whatever we accept, we can go to a pl expert of opportunity and carry on with a real existence asserting method of being. To carry on with an actual existence - certifying method of being, we should instruct that it is conceivable. Christian confidence and human opportunity can be connected at the hip, in the event that it is being educated without control or judgment. As indicated by Groome, â€Å"Any type of control or inculcation is both terrible training and obtrusively counterproductive to the motivations behind Christian education†(Groome,98) That's the reason we should have any kind of effect when we instruct. My utilizing an actual existence avowing method of instructing, we ar e helping the understudy to have an independent perspective and to believe themselves in their learning procedure. It's an obligation that some might not have any desire to take however in the event that we need society to be an additionally adoring and humane one we should be patient and instruct in a lovin g condition and not with a controlling method of being. â€Å"Our goals must be to support individuals toward a lived Christian confidence that is both free and freeing†. (Groome,99) We should be purposeful in helping other people when we instruct. We should know about their li ves and societies and be credible and show an authentic love and care for them. We should meet them at their individual needs, not reflect supe
Friday, August 21, 2020
Don’t Miss the National Career Summit †FREE This Week!
Don’t Miss the National Career Summit †FREE This Week! The pursuit of employment process has gotten progressively confounded over the most recent quite a long while. No longer can an occupation searcher just look into intriguing situations with regards to the Classifieds, at that point send in a resume and introductory letter on decent bond paper, planning to get a meeting. There is an entire world activity searchers need to think about that incorporates quest for new employment methodology, marking, organizing, online networking, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Composing is as yet a key bit of the pursuit of employment process, and the Essay Expert spotlights only on composing resumes and composing LinkedIn profiles (in different parts of the business, we alter business records and assist understudies with composing school application articles). In the event that you have to bring your reviewed archives a level or two, we are an incredible asset. In spite of the fact that I will be taking a Job Search Strategist Course beginning this week, I despite everything intend to furnish customers essentially with composing administrations. For different parts of the pursuit of employment, I’m excited to declare the National Career Summit, which is being offered FREE by a first class gathering of profession specialists this week. You may have seen my declaration of the occasion in my pamphlet †it began November 4 †and there is as yet seven days to go. On the off chance that you are an occupation searcher or thinking about beginning a business, this is an uncommon chance to gain from the best! A portion of the points include: Building Your Online Reputation Getting ready Veterans and Others for Federal Employment (an incredible tribute to Veteran’s Day) Enterprise: Creating a Business Plan Extraordinary Jobs for Everyone 50+ Systems administration (On and Off Line) Twitter and Facebook for Job Seekers Step by step instructions to Do Research to Find the Job You Want It’s a serious full timetable for the week †a gigantic open door truly. In the event that you consider work looking for as an all day work, at that point it will be an away from for you to put in a few hours daily gaining from these specialists. Pursue the National Career Summit here. View the calendar here. Occasions are being recorded and can be gotten to after the telesummit is over for a little expense. Register now and exploit this weeks meeting at no expense! I’m so persuaded you’ll get an incentive from this highest point that I am declaring it despite the fact that I am not one of the speakers! It’s imperative to me to give assets to my perusers and this is an incredible one. It’s additionally critical to me to help my partners who are accomplishing such significant work supporting employment searchers and business people to arrive at their objectives. I profoundly urge you to take an interest in the introductions that look valuable to you. On the off chance that you do take an interest, kindly let me know how the meetings went!
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Progression of Spirit
Progression of Spirit I realize that the title for this post could be the title of a hymn or sermon, but its not. Its the title for this post. Its quite fun to watch the progression of the emotional state of MIT students. The year starts with 1,100 studious new freshmen who are ready to experience everything college has to offer. They want to work hard, show their parents that theyre worthy of MIT, and prove to themselves that they can handle the workload. This is evidenced by our test subject, Jon, in Exhibit A: Exhibit A Jon is the one closest to you, sitting at his computer after having just finished registering for classes. He is ready to go and succeed! A month into the semester our test subject is thriving. He has discovered that there is much more to MIT than schoolwork and studying. He enjoys floor parties and creates fond memories of college, as evidenced by Exhibit B. Exhibit B Then BAM!!!, like a kick to the face delivered by Chuck Norris himself, the last three weeks of the semester hit. Everything is due, everything occurs, and finals are looming. People stop talking, start locking themselves in their rooms, and episodes of people screaming down the hall in hysterics increase. How does Jon react to the added stress? I walked into my room one day to find a very strange and startling scene. I knew, the instant I saw it, that the stress and pressure of finals had final stricken Jon down and left him as I saw him. What did I see? Please consider Exhibit C. Exhibit C Jon, after pulling an all-nighter, had fallen asleep upright at his computer while wrapped in a blanket. He was so far gone that it took yelling and fairly aggressive prodding to wake him. This, kids, is what happens to the average, everyday MIT freshman over the course of a semester. You start ready to work and soon learn that theres more to MIT than work. The illusion that anything but work is worthwhile is then shattered several weeks before finals as everybody goes insane and starts shaking/yelling/drooling/pacing uncontrollably. Welcome to MIT, were the leaders of tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Our everyday experience - Free Essay Example
Does God really exist? How can we know? If God made everything, who made God? In our everyday experience, just about everything seems to have a beginning. In fact, the laws of science show that even things which look the same through our lifetime, like the sun and other stars, are running down. The sun is using up its fuel at millions of tons each second. Since, therefore, it cannot last forever, it had to have a beginning. The same can be shown to be true for the entire universe. So when Christians claim that the God of the Bible created the entire universe, some will ask what seems a logical question, namely Where did God come from? The Bible makes it clear in many places that God is outside of time. He is eternal, with no beginning or endHe is infinite! He also knows all things, being infinitely intelligent. Is this logical? Can modern science allow for such a notion? And how could you recognize the evidence for an intelligent Creator? The existence of God is taken for granted in the Bible. There is nowhere any argument to prove it. He who disbelieves this truth is spoken of as one devoid of understanding . The arguments generally adduced by theologians in proof of Gods existence are: The a priori argument, which is the testimony afforded by reason. The a posteriori argument, by which we proceed logically from the facts of experience to causes. These arguments are: The cosmological, by which it is proved that there must be a First Cause of all things, for every effect must have a cause. The teleological, or the argument from design. We see everywhere the operations of an intelligent Cause in nature. The moral argument, called also the anthropological argument, based on the moral consciousness and the history of mankind, which exhibits a moral order and purpose which can only be explained on the supposition of the existence of God. Conscience and human history testify that verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth. Matthew G. Easton How to recognize intelligence Scientists get excited about finding stone tools in a cave because these speak of intelligencea tool maker. They could not have designed themselves. Neither would anyone believe that the carved Presidents heads on Mt. Rushmore were the product of millions of years of chance erosion. We can recognize designthe evidence of the outworkings of intelligencein the man-made objects all around us. Similarly, in William Paleys famous argument, a watch implies a watchmaker.Today, however, a large proportion of people, including many leading scientists, believe that all plants and animals, including the incredibly complex brains of the people who make watches, motor cars, etc., were not designed by an intelligent God but rather came from an unintelligent evolutionary process. But is this a defensible position? Design in living things Molecular biologist Dr. Michael Denton, writing as an agnostic, concluded: Alongside the level of ingenuity and complexity exhibited by the molecular machinery of life, even our most advanced [twentieth century technology appears] clumsy. It would be an illusion to think that what we are aware of at present is any more than a fraction of the full extent of biological design. In practically every field of fundamental biological research ever-increasing levels of design and complexity are being revealed at an ever-accelerating rate. The world-renowned crusader for Darwinism and atheism, Prof. Richard Dawkins, states: We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully designed to have come into existence by chance. Thus, even the most ardent atheist concedes that design is all around us. To a Christian, the design we see all around us is totally consistent with the Bibles explanation that God created all. However, evolutionists like Dawkins reject the idea of a Designer. He comments (emphasis added): All appearance to the contrary, the only watchmaker in nature is the blind forces of physics, albeit deployed in a very special way. A true watchmaker has foresight: he designs his cogs and springs, and plans their interconnections, with future purpose in his minds eye. Natural selection, the blind, unconscious, automatic process which Darwin discovered, and which we now know is the explanation for the existence and apparently purposeful form of all life, has no purpose in mind It has no mind It does not plan for the future it is the blind watchmaker. Selection and design Life is built on information, contained in that molecule of heredity, DNA. Dawkins believes that natural selectionand mutations (blind, purposeless copying mistakes in this DNA) together provide the mechanism for producing the vast amounts of information responsible for the design in living things. Natural selection is a logical process that can be observed. However, selection can only operate on the information already contained in genesit does not produce new information.distinct kinds of animals and plants, each to reproduce after its own kind. One can observe great variation in a kind,and see the results of natural selection. For instance, dingoes, wolves and coyotes have developed over time as a result of natural selection operating on the information in the genes of the wolf/dog kind. But no new information was producedthese varieties have resulted from rearrangement, and sorting out, of the information in the original dog kind. One kind has never been observed to change into a totally different kind with new information that previously did not exist! Without a way to increase information, natural selection will not work as a mechanism for evolution. Evolutionists agree with this, but they believe that mutations somehow provide the new information for natural selection to act upon. Can mutations produce new information? Actually, it is now clear that the answer is no! Dr. Lee Spetner, a highly qualified scientist who taught information and communication theory at Johns Hopkins University, makes this abundantly clear in his recent book: In this chapter Ill bring several examples of evolution, [i.e., instances alleged to be examples of evolution] particularly mutations, and show that information is not increased But in all the reading Ive done in the life-sciences literature, Ive never found a mutation that added information. All point mutations that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce the genetic information and not to increase it. The NDT [neo-Darwinian theory] is supposed to explain how the information of life has been built up by evolution. The essential biological difference between a human and a bacterium is in the information they contain. All other biological differences follow from that. The human genome has much more information than does the bacterial genome. Information cannot be built up by mutations that lose it. A business cant make money by losing it a little at a time. Evolutionary scientists have no way around the conclusions that many scientists, including Dr. Spetner, have come to. Mutations do not work as a mechanism to fuel the evolutionary process. [For further information, see: Can genetic mutations produce positive changes in living creatures? Answer] More problems! Scientists have found that within the cell, there are thousands of what can be called biochemical machines. All of their parts have to be in place simultaneously or the cell cant function. Things which were thought to be simple mechanisms, such as being able to sense light and turn it into electrical impulses, are in fact highly complicated. Since life is built on these machines, the idea that natural processes could have made a living system is untenable. Biochemist Dr. Michael Behe uses the term irreducible complexity in describing such biochemical machines. systems of horrendous, irreducible complexity inhabit the cell. The resulting realization that life was designed by an intelligence is a shock to us in the twentieth century who have gotten used to thinking of life as the result of simple natural laws. But other centuries have had their shocks, and there is no reason to suppose that we should escape them. Richard Dawkins recognizes this problem of needing machinery to start with when he states: The theory of the blind watchmaker is extremely powerful given that we are allowed to assume replication and hence cumulative selection. But if replication needs complex machinery, since the only way we know for complex machinery ultimately to come into existence is cumulative selection, we have a problem. A problem indeed! The more we look into the workings of life, the more complicated it gets, and the more we see that life could not arise by itself. Not only is a source of information needed, but the complex machines of the chemistry of life need to be in existence right from the start! A greater problem still! Some still try to insist that the machinery of the first cell could have arisen by pure chance. For instance, they say, by randomly drawing alphabet letters in sequence from a hat, sometimes you will get a simple word like BAT.So given long time periods, why couldnt even more complex information arise by chance? However, what would the word BAT mean to a German or Chinese speaker? The point is that an order of letters is meaningless unless there is a language convention and a translation system in place which makes it meaningful! In a cell, there is such a system (other molecules) that makes the order on the DNA meaningful. DNA without the language/translation system is meaningless, and these systems without the DNA wouldnt work either. The other complication is that the translation machinery which reads the order of the letters in the DNA is itself specified by the DNA! This is another one of those machines that needs to be fully-formed or life wont work. Can information arise from non-information? Dr. Werner Gitt, Director and Professor at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology, makes it clear that one of the things we know absolutely for sure from science, is that information cannot arise from disorder by chance. It always takes (greater) information to produce information, and ultimately information is the result of intelligence: A code system is always the result of a mental process (it requires an intelligent origin or inventor) It should be emphasized that matter as such is unable to generate any code. All experiences indicate that a thinking being voluntarily exercising his own free will, cognition, and creativity, is required. There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this. What is the source of the information? We can therefore deduce that the huge amount of information in living things must originally have come from an intelligence, which had to have been far superior to ours, as scientists are revealing every day. But then, some will say that such a source would have to be caused by something with even greater information/intelligence. However, if they reason like this, one could ask where this greater information/intelligence came from? And then where did that one come from . one could extrapolate to infinity, for ever, unless . Unless there was a source of infinite intelligence, beyond our finite understanding. But isnt this what the Bible indicates when we read, In the beginning God .? The God of the Bible is an infinite being not bound by limitations of time, space, knowledge, or anything else. So which is the logically defensible position?that matter eternally existed (or came into existence by itself for no reason), and then by itself arranged itself into information systems against everything observed in real science? Or that a being with infinite intelligence,created information systems for life to exist, agreeing with real science? The answer seems obvious, so why dont all intelligent scientists accept this? Michael Behe answers: Many people, including many important and well-respected scientists, just dont want there to be anything beyond nature. They dont want a supernatural being to affect nature, no matter how brief or constructive the interaction may have been. In other words . they bring an a priori philosophical commitment to their science that restricts what kinds of explanations they will accept about the physical world. Sometimes this leads to rather odd behavior. The crux of the matter is this: If one accepts there is a God who created us, then that God also owns us. He thus has a right to set the rules by which we must live. In the Bible, He has revealed to us that we are in rebellion against our Creator. Because of this rebellion called sin, our physical bodies are sentenced to deathbut we will live on, either with God, or without Him in a place of judgment. But the good news is that our Creator provided, through the cross of Jesus Christ, a means of deliverance for our sin of rebellion, so that those who come to Him in faith, in repentance for their sin, can receive the forgiveness of a Holy God and spend forever with their Lord. [Watch The HOPE on-line (streaming video)] So who created God? By definition, an infinite, eternal being has always existedno one created God. He is the self-existing onethe great I am of the Bible.19 He is outside of time; in fact, He created time. You might say, But that means I have to accept this by faith, as I cant understand it. We read in the book of Hebrews, But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). But this is not blind faith, as some think. In fact, the evolutionists who deny God have a blind faiththey have to believe something that is against real sciencenamely, that information can arise from disorder by chance. Can you believe in the existence of something that you cannot see? Have you ever seen your own brain? We all believe in many things that we have never seen. Have you ever seen the wind? Have you seen history? We see the effects of the wind, but the wind is invisible. We have records of history, but it is by faith we believe that certain historical events happened. Television waves are invisible, but an antenna and a receiver can detect their presence. Do you know that you have a receiver? Prior to becoming a child of God, your receiver (your spirit) is dead because of sin (see Ephesians 2:1). You need to be plugged into the life of God, and then you will come alive and be aware of the invisible spiritual realm. Learn more about God and his plan for your life Adapted from author Ray Comfort See these information sources for evidence of God and the accuracy of His Word The Christian faith is not a blind faith; it is a logically defensible faith. This is why the Bible makes it clear that anyone who does not believe in God is without excuse: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20). For a more in-depth article, read: Who created God? Who created God? A number of skeptics ask this question. But God by definition is the uncreated creator of the universe, so the question Who created God? is illogical, just like To whom is the bachelor married? So a more sophisticated questioner might ask: If the universe needs a cause, then why doesnt God need a cause? And if God doesnt need a cause, why should the universe need a cause? In reply, Christians should use the following reasoning: Everything which has a beginning has a cause.1 The universe has a beginning. Therefore the universe has a cause. Its important to stress the words in bold type. The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning, as will be shown below. God, unlike the universe, had no beginning, so doesnt need a cause. In addition, Einsteins general relativity, which has much experimental support, shows that time is linked to matter and space. So time itself would have begun along with matter and space. Since God, by definition, is the creator of the whole universe, he is the creator of time. Therefore He is not limited by the time dimension He created, so has no beginning in time God is the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity (Isaiah 57:15). Therefore He doesnt have a cause. In contrast, there is good evidence that the universe had a beginning. This can be shown from the Laws of Thermodynamics, the most fundamental laws of the physical sciences. 1st Law: The total amount of mass-energy in the universe is constant. 2nd Law: The amount of energy available for work is running out, or entropy is increasing to a maximum. If the total amount of mass-energy is limited, and the amount of usable energy is decreasing, then the universe cannot have existed forever, otherwise it would already have exhausted all usable energy the heat death of the universe. For example, all radioactive atoms would have decayed, every part of the universe would be the same temperature, and no further work would be possible. So the obvious corollary is that the universe began a finite time ago with a lot of usable energy, and is now running down. Now, what if the questioner accepts that the universe had a beginning, but not that it needs a cause? But it is self-evident that things that begin have a cause no-one really denies it in his heart. All science and history would collapse if this law of cause and effect were denied. So would all law enforcement, if the police didnt think they needed to find a cause for a stabbed body or a burgled house. Also, the universe cannot be self-caused nothing can create itself, because that would mean that it existed before it came into existence, which is a logical absurdity. IN SUMMARY The universe (including time itself) can be shown to have had a beginning. It is unreasonable to believe something could begin to exist without a cause. The universe therefore requires a cause, just as Romans 1:20 teach. God, as creator of time, is outside of time. Since therefore He has no beginning in time, He has always existed, so doesnt need a cause. OBJECTIONS There are only two ways to refute an argument: Show that it is logically invalid Show that at least one of the premises is false. Is the argument valid? A valid argument is one where it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false. Note that validity does not depend on the truth of the premises, but on the form of the argument. The argument in this article is valid; it is of the same form as: All whales have backbones; Moby Dick is a whale; therefore Moby Dick has a backbone. So the only hope for the skeptic is to dispute one or both of the premises. Are the premises true? 1. Does the universe have a beginning? Oscillating universe ideas were popularized by atheists like the late Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov solely to avoid the notion of a beginning, with its implications of a Creator. But as shown above, the Laws of Thermodynamics undercut that argument. Even an oscillating universe cannot overcome those laws. Each one of the hypothetical cycles would exhaust more and more usable energy. This means every cycle would be larger and longer than the previous one, so looking back in time there would be smaller and smaller cycles. So the multicycle model could have an infinite future, but can only have a finite past.2 Also, there are many lines of evidence showing that there is far too little mass for gravity to stop expansion and allow cycling in the first place, i.e., the universe is open. According to the best estimates (even granting old-earth assumptions), the universe still has only about half the mass needed for re-contraction. This includes the combined total of both luminous matter and non-luminous matter (found in galactic halos), as well as any possible contribution of neutrinos to total mass.3 Some recent evidence for an open universe comes from the number of light-bending gravitational lenses in the sky.6 It seems there is only 40-80% of the required matter to cause a big crunch. Incidentally, this low mass is also a major problem for the currently fashionable inflationary version of the big bang theory, as this predicts a mass density just on the threshold of collapse a flat universe. Finally, no known mechanism would allow a bounce back after a hypothetical big crunch.7 As the late Professor Beatrice Tinsley of Yale explained, even though the mathematics say that the universe oscillates, There is no known physical mechanism to reverse a catastrophic big crunch. Off the paper and into the real world of physics, those models start from the Big Bang, expand, collapse, and thats the end. 2. Denial of cause and effect Some physicists assert that quantum mechanics violates this cause/effect principle and can produce something from nothing. For instance, Paul Davies writes: spacetime could appear out of nothingness as a result of a quantum transition. Particles can appear out of nowhere without specific causation Yet the world of quantum mechanics routinely produces something out of nothing.9 But this is a gross misapplication of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics never produces something out of nothing. Davies himself admitted on the previous page that his scenario should not be taken too seriously. Theories that the universe is a quantum fluctuation must presuppose that there was something to fluctuate their quantum vacuum is a lot of matter-antimatter potential not nothing. Also, I have plenty of theoretical and practical experience at quantum mechanics (QM) from my doctoral thesis work. For example, Raman spectroscopy is a QM phenomenon, but from the wavenumber and intensity of the spectral bands, we can work out the masses of the atoms and force constants of the bonds causing the bands. To help the atheist position that the universe came into existence without a cause, one would need to find Raman bands appearing without being caused by transitions in vibrational quantum states, or alpha particles appearing without pre-existing nuclei, etc. If QM was as acausal as some people think, then we should not assume that these phenomena have a cause. Then I may as well burn my Ph.D. thesis, and all the spectroscopy journals should quit, as should any nuclear physics research. Also, if there is no cause, there is no explanation why this particular universe appeared at a particular time, nor why it was a universe and not, say, a banana or cat which appeared. This universe cant have any properties to explain its preferential coming into existence, because it wouldnt have any properties until it actually came into existence. Is creation by God rational? A last desperate tactic by skeptics to avoid a theistic conclusion is to assert that creation in time is incoherent. Davies correctly points out that since time itself began with the beginning of the universe, it is meaningless to talk about what happened before the universe began. But he claims that causes must precede their effects. So if nothing happened before the universe began, then (according to Davies) it is meaningless to discuss the cause of the universes beginning. But the philosopher (and New Testament scholar) William Lane Craig, in a useful critique of Davies,10 pointed out that Davies is deficient in philosophical knowledge. Philosophers have long discussed the notion of simultaneous causation. Immanuel Kant (17241804) gave the example of a weight resting on a cushion simultaneously causing a depression in it. Craig says: The first moment of time is the moment of Gods creative act and of creations simultaneous coming to be. Some skeptics claim that all this analysis is tentative, because that is the nature of science. So this cant be used to prove creation by God. Of course, skeptics cant have it both ways: saying that the Bible is wrong because science has proved it so, but if science appears consistent with the Bible, then well, science is tentative anyway. A final thought The Bible informs us that time is a dimension that God created, into which man was subjected. It even tells us that one day time will no longer exist. That will be called eternity. God Himself dwells outside of the dimension He created (Titus 1:2). He dwells in eternity and is not subject to time. God spoke history before it came into being. He can move through time as a man flips through a history book. Because we live in the dimension of time, it is impossible for us to fully understand anything that does not have a beginning and an end. Simply accept that fact, and believe the concept of Gods eternal nature the same way you believe the concept of space having no beginning and endby faitheven though such thoughts put a strain on our distinctly insufficient cerebrum. Paul S. Taylor, adapted from author Ray Comfort Further Reading More information can be found in the following works. Unfortunately they are too friendly towards the unscriptural big bang theory with its billions of years of death, suffering and disease before Adams sin. But the above arguments are perfectly consistent with a recent creation in six consecutive normal days, as taught by Scripture. Craig, W.L., Apologetics: An Introduction (Chicago: Moody, 1984). Craig, W.L. online article The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe Geisler, N.L., Christian Apologetics (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1976). How does archaeology conclusively demonstrate the Bible to be reliable and unique among all the holy books of world religions? Archaeological discoveries verify the historical reliability of the Old and New Testaments. When compared to other religious books, the titles, and events mentioned in the Bible; and the language and literary formats used to compose the Bible. Many scholars today question the validity of Biblical accounts, supposedly based on the findings of archaeology (i.e. misinterpretation of evidence, lack of evidence, or poor scholarship) and not with the Bible. How can archaeology prove helpful to someone seeking for truth to the basic questions about life? The discoveries of archaeology can be helpful in removing doubts that a person might have about the historical trustworthiness of the Bible. The places, and events of the Bible are real. What Gods Word? Any one discovery can be explained away as coincidence, or an alternative interpretation can be given to disassociate it from the Bible. It is the weight of a myriad of discoveries that demonstrates the Bible to be the Word of God. These discoveries fall into three categories: Archaeological evidence demonstrates the historical and cultural accuracy of the Bible. The Bibles message of a salvation stands in sharp contrast to the pagan fertility religions of the ancient world as, revealed by archaeology. Archaeological findings demonstrate that the Biblical prophets accurately predicted events hundreds of years before they occurredsomething that lies beyond the capability of mere men. Where did Cain get his wife? We dont even know her name, yet she was discussed at the wife in history? Scripture and, thus, the Christian faith. For instance, at the historic Scopes trial in Tennessee in 1925, William Jennings Bryan, the prosecutor who stood for the Christian faith, failed to answer the question about [3] lawyer Clarence Darrow. The worlds press was focused on this trial, and what they heard has affected Christianity to this dayChristians are seen as unable to defend the biblical record. And skeptics then make the logically fallacious jump of concluding that the biblical record is indefensible! The agnostic Carl Sagan used this same question in his book ContactContact, which was based on Sagans book, also used it. In the book, the fictional character Ellie could not get answers about [6] Sagan cleverly used common questionssuch as Who was Cains wife?questions that are often directed at Christians in an attempt to prove the Bible cannot be defended. Sadly, most Christians probably could not answer these questions! And yet, there are answers. But, since most churches are lacking in the teaching of 1 Peter 3:15). Why is it important? Many skeptics have claimed that, for New Testament doctrines depend. Defenders of the Genesis 4:1-5:5.) Before we answer this question, we will first show how important it is to the meaning of the gospel. The first man Therefore, even as through one man Romans 5:12). We read in God did not start by making a whole group of men. The sin of rebellion, also passed on to all his descendants. Since return to God! Because a man brought Romans 3:23). What is the solution? The Last Adam pay the penalty for sin: For since by a man came [8] God. Since the Bible describes all human beings as gospel could not be explained or defended. The Hebrews 2:11-18). Thus, only descendants of the first man saved. All related Thus, there was only one man at the beginningmade from the Genesis 2:7). This also means that Adams descendants. The first woman In Eveshe was the first woman. marriage of one man to one woman. Also, in animals, he could not find a matethere was no one of his kind. All this makes it obvious that there was only one woman, Eves descendants. If Christians cannot defend that all humans (including gospel and all that it teaches. Cains brothers and sisters Genesis 4:25), were part of the first generation of children ever born on this earth. Even though only these three males are mentioned by name, Genesis 5:3) before Seth was born. During their lives, Adams children, as says the old tradition, was thirty-three sons and twenty-three daughters. The Genesis 1:28). The wife If we now work totally from Scripture, without any personal prejudices or other extra-biblical ideas, then back at the beginning, when there was only the first generation, brothers would have had to have married sisters or there would be no more generations! We are not told when marriages and children, but we can say for certain that some brothers had to marry their sisters at the beginning of human history. But what about Gods Laws? Many people immediately reject the conclusion that Gods law originally when close relatives (even brothers and sisters) married each other. Remember that Moses laws that forbade such marriages. Biological deformities Today, brothers and sisters (and half-brothers and half-sisters, etc.) are not permitted by law to marry because their children have an unacceptably high risk of being deformed. The more closely the parents are related, the more likely it is that any offspring will be deformed. There is a very sound genetic reason for such laws that is easy to understand. Every person has two sets of genes, there being some 130,000 pairs that specify how a person is put together and functions. Each person inherits one gene of each pair from each parent. Unfortunately, genes today contain many mistakes (because of Curse), and these mistakes show up in a variety of ways. For instance, some people let their hair grow over their ears to hide the fact that one ear is lower than the otheror perhaps someones nose is not quite in the middle of his or her face, or someones jaw is a little out of shapeand so on. Lets face it, the main reason we call each other normal is because of our common agreement to do so! The more distantly related parents are, the more likely it is that they will have different mistakes in their genes. Children, inheriting one set of genes from each parent, are likely to end up with pairs of genes containing a maximum of one bad gene in each pair. The good gene tends to override the bad so that a deformity (a serious one, anyway) does not occur. Instead of having totally deformed ears, for instance, a person may only have crooked ones! (Overall, though, the human race is slowly degenerating as mistakes accumulate, generation after generation.) However, the more closely related two people are, the more likely it is that they will have similar mistakes in their genes, since these have been inherited from the same parents. Therefore, a brother and a sister are more likely to have similar mistakes in their genes. A child of a union between such siblings could inherit the same bad gene on the same gene pair from both, resulting in two bad copies of the gene and serious defects. Romans 8:22). Over thousands of years, this degeneration has produced all sorts of genetic mistakes in living things. Gods approval, without any potential to produce deformed offspring. By the time of [12] (Also, there were plenty of people on the earth by then, and there was no reason for close relations to marry.) Cain and the Land of Nod Some claim that the passage in wife. And Enoch: and he built a city, and he called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. From what has been stated previously, it is clear that all humans, wife. John Calvin, commenting on these verses, states: From the context we may gather that [13] [14] Others have argued that because Abels death (see below). Who was Cain fearful of? (Genesis 4:14) Some claim that there had to be lots of people on earth other than Abel. First of all, in the days before civil government was instituted to punish murderers (Cain was afraid of could not have been another race of people. Second, Genesis 4:3 states: And in the course of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering to the Lord. Note the phrase in the course of time. We know that Eve, involving several generations. Where did the technology come from? Some claim that for Nod and build a city he would have required a lot of technology that must have already been in that land, presumably developed by other races. However, brass and. Because of intense evolutionary indoctrination, many people today think that our generation is the most intelligent that has ever lived on this planet. But just because we have jet airplanes and computers, it does not mean that we are the most intelligent. Modern technology results from the accumulation of knowledge. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. Our brains have suffered from 6,000 years of the Eves children. Scripture gives us a glimpse of what appears to be great inventiveness from the beginning. Conclusion Many God has given to us. They try to interpret Scripture, but taking a secular way of thinking to the Bible, they are blinded to the simple answers. word of One who knows everything, and who is a reliable witness from the past. Thus, when we use Genesis as a basis for understanding history, we can make sense of questions that would otherwise be a mystery.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Kaminski Surname Meaning and Origin
From the root kamien, meaning stone or rock, the popular Polish last name Kaminski means one who came from a rocky place, or was sometimes an occupational surname for a person who works with rock, such as a stone carver or someone who worked in a quarry. Alternatively, the Kaminski surname may be locational in origin, indicating that the person originally came from any one of dozens of Polish villages named Kamien (meaning rocky place), or from one of the various places named Kamin or Kaminka in Ukraine, or Kamionka in Poland. Kaminsky is a common anglicization of the KamiÅ„ski surname. Surname Origin: PolishAlternate Surname Spellings: KAMINSKY, KAMINSKY, KAMIENSKI, KAMIENSKI, KAMIENSKY, KAMIENSKY, KAMENSKI, KAMENSKY Where People With the Surname Kaminski Live According to WorldNames publicprofiler, individuals with the Kaminski last name are most commonly found in Poland, with the greatest concentration in the northeastern regions, including Podlaskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, and WarmiÅ„sko-Mazurskie. The Polish-specific surname distribution map on calculates the population distribution of surnames down to the district level, finding Kaminski to be most common in Bydgoszcz, followed by Starogard Gdanski, Chojnice, Bytow, New TomyÅ›l, Tarnowskie Mountains, Torun, Srem, Tuchola and InowrocÅ‚aw. Famous People Marek KamiÅ„ski: Polish polar explorer, author, entrepreneurJanusz Kaminski: Academy Award-winning cinematographer and directorAvrom-Yitskhok Kaminski: Yiddish actor and theater directorHeinrich Kaminski: German composerHeinz Kaminski: German space researcher and chemical engineerAdolfo Kaminsky: French WWI resistance fighter and document forgerBohdan Kaminskà ½: Czech poet and translator Genealogy Resources A Kaminsky Family Genealogy: Genealogy research into an extended Kaminsky family, with information on over 8,000 different individuals.Kaminski Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Kaminski surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Kaminski surname query.FamilySearch: Access over 370,000 million free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Kaminski surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Kaminksi Surname Family Mailing Lists: RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Kaminski surname and variations such as Kaminsky, Kamenski, and Explore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Kaminski. References Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2005.Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2004.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings. Chicago: Polish Genealogical Society, 1993.Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow. Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich - Wydawnictwo, 1991.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Assassination of Shaka Zulu (September 24, 1828)
Shaka kaSenzangakhona, Zulu king and founder of the Zulu empire, was murdered by his two half-brothers Dingane and Mhlangana at kwaDukuza in 1828â€â€one date given is September 24. Dingane assumed the throne after the assassination. Shakas Last Words Shakas last words have taken on a prophetic mantleâ€â€and popular South African/Zulu myth has him telling Dingane and Mhlangana that it is not they who will rule the Zulu nation but white people who will come up from the sea. Another version says swallows will be the ones to rule, which is a reference to white people because they build houses of mud as do swallows.​ However, the version which is probably the truest rendition comes from Mkebeni kaDabulamanzi, King Cetshwayos nephew and grandson of King Mpande (another half-brother to Shaka)â€â€Are you stabbing me, kings of the earth? You will come to an end through killing one another. Shaka and the Zulu Nation Assassination by rivals to the throne is a constant in monarchies throughout history and around the world. Shaka was an illegitimate son of a minor chief, Senzangakhona, while his half-brother Dingane was legitimate. Shakas mother Nandi eventually was installed as the third wife of this chief, but it was an unhappy relationship, and she and her son were eventually driven away. Shaka joined the military of the Mthethwa, led by chief Dingiswayo. After Shakas father died in 1816, Dingiswayo supported Shaka in assassinating his elder brother, Sigujuana, who had assumed the throne. Now Shaka was the chief of the Zulu, but a vassal of Dingiswayo. When Dingiswayo was killed by Zwide, Shaka assumed leadership of the Mthethwa state and army. Shakas power grew as he reorganized the Zulu military system. The long-bladed assegai and the bullhorn formation were innovations that led to greater success on the battlefield. He had ruthless military discipline and incorporated both men and youths in his armies. He forbade his troops to marry. He conquered neighboring territories or created alliances until he controlled all of present-day Natal. In doing so, many rivals were forced out of their territories and migrated, causing disruption throughout the region. However, he was not in conflict with the Europeans in the area. He allowed some European settlers in the Zulu kingdom. Why Was Shaka Assassinated? When Shakas mother, Nandi, died in October 1827, his grief led to erratic and deadly behavior. He required everyone else to grieve with him and executed anyone he decided was not grieving sufficiently, as many as 7,000 people. He ordered that no crops be planted and no milk could be used, two orders sure to induce famine. Any pregnant woman would be executed, as would her husband. Shakas two half-brothers tried more than once to assassinate him. Their successful attempt came when most of the Zulu troops had been sent north and security was lax at the royal kraal. The brothers were joined by a servant, Mbopa. Accounts vary as to whether the servant did the actual killing or it was done by the brothers. They dumped his body in an empty grain pit and filled the pit, so the exact location is unknown. Dingane assumed the throne and purged loyalists to Shaka. He allowed the troops to marry and set up a homestead, which built loyalty with the military. He ruled for 12 years until he was defeated by his half-brother Mpande.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The End Of My Life - 1082 Words
No one has ever said on their deathbed, Gee, I wish I d spent more time at the office. At their moment of reckoning, the top regrets that people share are about wishing they lived the life they d really wanted to live, wishing they hadn t worked so hard, wishing they d had the courage to express their true feelings, wishing they d had deeper connections with people and wishing they d let themselves be happier. I don t want to have those regrets at the end of my life. And I m pretty sure that you don t either. Yet, living out loud, finding time to relax, expressing my true feelings, fostering meaningful relationships and letting myself be happy? Well, that s actually pretty hard. It takes a certain brand of fierceness to live†¦show more content†¦Meaning: to speak out loud, to communicate what s going on inside. Which is a practice of unending vulnerability. I am, by no means, a master of this practice. This might be my work forever. Yet, through my practice, I ve found six steps to help me move toward a fiercer and deeper way of connecting with those that I love. 1. Know what you want. This step probably sounds like it has nothing to do with intimacy. I ll admit, this is a downright self-centered step. Yet, it s a crucial step to intimacy and connection. If you re not coming from the center of your own self, you won t be connecting in any real or lasting way. Knowing what you want, means knowing what you want in your relationship, knowing what you re looking for, knowing your requests and knowing your responsibility. It means that you re focused on where the relationship is going rather than complaining about where the relationship has gone wrong. It means that you know what to ask for, rather than passively waiting around for magic to happen. (PS. This is hard. I struggle with this even in a massage, never mind my marriage or closest relationships.) 2. Communicate what you want. If Step 1 was hard, Step 2 is like double-black-diamond hard because this step actually requires you to speak out loud. To say specifically what you want to the person that you re building courageous intimacy with. This means that you specifically request that the person helps you. And then you specifically
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Odyssey Telemachia - 2492 Words
THE ODYSSEY Ââ€" Books 1-4 1. The story of Agamemnon, Aegisthus, Orestes and Clytaemenstra is a recurring theme during these first 4 books of the odyssey. The references I have picked up on throughout the four books are as listed: - Book 1, page 4, Section 29-48. This is the first reference to the story of Agamemnon, Aegisthus, Orestes and Clytaemenstra. In this, it is at an assembly of gods in Zeus palace. Zeus, who would open discussion among them, was in thought of the handsome Aegisthus. Zeus speaks about the gods being regarded as the source of mens trouble, and states that it is their own transgressions that bring them suffering. He continues to speak of Aegisthus destiny not being one where he would steal Agamemnons wife and†¦show more content†¦E.g. Penelope and the household. The suitors had no notion of hospitable behavior and were running Telemachus out of house and home, Telemachus fears for his wealth and mother with the suitors around. The suitors have no respect for the gods, rarely sacrifice or make offerings. Antinous: (Antagonistic) Leader and most arrogant of the gang of suitors. He is always the first to speak. Antinous leads the campaign to have Telemachus killed. Unlike the other suitors, he is never portrayed sympathetically, and he will be the first to die when Odysseus returns. Through Antinous, Homer portrays the behaviour of the suitors at its ugliest aspect. Eurymachus: He is the second most important suitor. He is a manipulative, deceitful suitor. Eurymachus charisma and duplicity allows him to exercise some influence over the other suitors. Eurymachus is infact the favoured choice of Penelopes father and brother for her to wed. Telemachus does not want the suitors courting his mother and pressuring into marriage her for he is optimistic of his fathers return. With the suitors there and at his current development (Book 1-4) he has no control over his house hold, and all his wealth and possessions.Show MoreRelatedComparison Between Odysseus And Odysseus2641 Words  | 11 PagesBooks 1-4: The Telemachia Characters: Gods: Zeus (King of Olympus), Athena (Goddess of Wisdom, aid of Odysseus) Mortals: Telemachus (Odysseus’s son), Antinous (An arrogant suitor), Penelope (Odysseus’s wife),Phemius (The bard/entertainer), Eurycleia (The nurse), Mentes (Athena’s disguise, Telemachus’s mentor), Menelaus ( King of Sparta, helps Telemachus), Nestor (King of Pylos), Helen (Menelaus’s wife), Laertes (Odysseus’s father) Plot: Book 1 The story starts out in medias res, or in the middle
Why is it difficult for Mexican Americans to live in America Free Essays
The movie Selena tells how difficult it is for Mexican Americans to live in a country like America. There are great expectations from people who live there especially for artists and other people who wish to conquer the entertainment industry. Mexican Americans in the United States are often ridiculed in their manner of speaking and performances. We will write a custom essay sample on Why is it difficult for Mexican Americans to live in America? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many American racists will not hire group of Mexicans as performers. If there is a chance to get them for programs and performances, the audience has dual expectations from these groups. Moreover, they are also subject to discrimination by the Mexican American community when they perform English-American instead Spanish songs. When a flashback of Abaraham, Selena’s father, as a member of a family band playing â€Å"Blue Moon,†was presented in the film, the way they were rejected by the Mexican American audience shows that the Mexican American community was not ready to accept Mexicans who play English songs. When Abraham discovered Selena’s golden voice, he knew that Selena was meant to be on the limelight. With his support, Selena was convinced that she can become successful â€Å"in a field where every other Mexican American woman had failed†(Bernardinelli, 1997). When Selena grew older, she wanted to have a musical identity that she can call her own, which was mostly influenced by American pop music. As a Tejano singer, she was singing Spanish songs while she idolizes American pop singers. Because of this, there were times when Selena and Abraham clashed about the direction of the band’s music. However, he never failed to respect her and prod her to choose her own path. Thus, Selena is a film that deals with a clash of two different cultures (Bernardinelli, 1997). An example of this in the movie includes the part where Selena was to be interviewed by a TV reporter. Abraham told Selena that her English and Spanish should be perfect. She has to look like she can understand and identify with icons of both cultures. This was a lesson that Selena took to heart. However, in the interview, she made a mistake. After the interview, Abraham expressed his frustration by saying that to be fully accepted in America, Selena must become â€Å"more Mexican than most Mexicans†and â€Å"more American than most Americans†(Quintanilla Nava, 1997). She is an American, but she is also a Mexican, and she has to learn to draw from both cultures to form her own style (Berardinelli, 1997). When Selena died, nobody quite knew where to place her culturally (Rodriguez, 1997). But her tremendous popularity on both sides of the border is a symbol of how hyphenated Mexican-Americans have gone from the margins to the mainstream (Rodriguez 1997). Selena’s story is one of the â€Å"burden of leading hyphenated lives, and of the need to forge a place for ourselves between the dismissive Anglo-American and Mexican mainstreams†(Rodriguez, 1997). She was indeed a dreamer who preferred to go on discos rather than ranches. When she was already popular among the Mexican Americans, she still dreamed of becoming a â€Å"crossover†star to sing English songs. It is said that in the past, Mexican-American identity and having a Latino culture is a great shame for the immigrants’s children and grandchildren. â€Å"Mexicans called their English-speaking, ‘Scooby-Doo’-watching American cousins ‘pochos,’ which meant something like ‘watered-down Mexicans’†(Rodriguez 1997). Selena’s popularity both in the Mexico and America marks the changes in the new generation where â€Å"’pocho’ no longer connotes a marginal position in a culture that was never fully [Mexcian], but a growing pride in Mexican-American hybrid status, and the ability to sample and absorb the best from both sides of the border. †(Rodriguez 1997). Living in America with traces of Mexican-American blood is never easy because not only they are discriminated by Americans, they are judged by other Mexicans, especially when they act â€Å"too American†However, these things never discouraged the late Selena to reach the top. Reference: Berardinelli, J. (1997). Selena. Reel Reviews. Retrieved February 18, 2008 from: http://www. reelviews. net/movies/s/selena. html Quintanilla, Jr. , A. (Producer), Nava, G. (Director). (1997). Selena. [Motion picture]. Warner Brothers. Rodriguez, G. (1997). Selena’s story â€Å"pochos†have come of age. Pacific News. Retrieved February 18, 2008 from: http://www. pacificnews. org/jinn/stories/3. 06/970321-selena. html How to cite Why is it difficult for Mexican Americans to live in America?, Papers
Human Ethics for the Human Ethics Committee
Question: Describe about the Human Ethics for the Human Ethics Committee ? Answer: Introduction About La Trobe University The La Trobe University is situated in Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. It has a centrally operated unit known as the University Human Ethics Committee (UHEC) which is established as per the requirements framed by the National Statement (Rocchi, 2013). The members consist of minimum one person from the below mentioned categories: an experienced chairperson, a doctor, a minister of religion, a legal representative, at least two community representatives and minimum two members with the knowledge of current research (Tsang, 2015). Besides these, there happen to be five Faculty Human Ethics Committees (FHECs). They are basically the committees under the UHEC. The FHECs monitor their respective issues unless they are to be submitted to the parent body UHEC. The FHEC includes members from every discipline from the ethics reviews cases might arise (Gasper, 2013). The ethical background Every interaction by human beings, even those interactions which are parts of human research process consists of ethical aspects. But the ethical conduct is not just doing the correct thing. It encompasses many aspects of our life like acting in the right spirit (Arkin et al. 2015). It also includes concerning attitude for the fellow persons. Ethics is also about showing the due respect to the people around us. The National Statement on the ethical conduct in human research deals with something which in not just the ethical rights and wrongs. It is more fundamental in nature. The persons engaged in human research should be influenced by the ethical guidelines in every human research work they conduct. Human research covers a broad concept. Primarily it means to conduct research with or for the people. It may also include a research work on their data and tissue. (Sugarman, 2012). It is done with a view to doing well for the human race in general. However, in the past we come across c ertain examples where human research has failed to conduct its works ethically and it violated the basic norms of ethical human research. As for example, during the Second World War, a few experiments were carried on in the concentration and detention camps. After the Second World War, the scenario began to change slowly. The judgment made at the famous Nuremberg military tribunal suggested ten views about the experiments which are medical in nature that were to be made permissible. This came to be known as the Nuremberg Code (Manroop, 2015). Keeping these guidelines in mind the World Medical Assembly was formed in 1964. It adopted what is today known as the Helsinki Declaration. Values and principles of ethical conduct Humanitarian research is conducted on a ground where a relationship exists between the researchers and the research participants. There are certain criteria which seek to maintain a healthy relationship between the researchers and the participants. There are certain values and principles which need to be kept in mind while conducting such research works (Wassenaar et al. 2015). These are: a) A sense of respect for human participants b) Merit and integrity of the research c) The prevailing justice concept d) The concept of Beneficence All of these seek to build mutual trust, responsibility and equality of ethics. That is why the National Statement refers to the people as participants and not subjects (Sparrow, 2013). These values are of very old origin. However they are not the only ones. The others comprise of altruism, contribution to goals of society and community and respecting the diversity of culture. These values are described in details in the text Values and Ethics: Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research (NHMRC 2003). The above values have however become important with respect to ethical human research for the last sixty years. They help us to provide a vital framework for the designing, monitoring and proper conducting of the ethical research works. The primary value out of all of these is that of respect (DeWitte, 2015). It shows that every human being has his own set of values and these values shall be used during every interaction with other people. The order in which they are considered shows the order in which various ethical issues commonly arise in course of human research. Research merit and integrity are discussed with priority. Unless the proposed research has any merit involved and the researchers who are conducting the research have integrity, one cannot ethically justify the involvement of the human participants (Meneilly et al. 2015). Justice refers to the sameness of the human participants that they share with each other. The main focus of every human research work is to create something beneficial for the mankind which is achieved by fair means without being unfairly distributed and without the involvement of any unfair burdens. The researchers use the beneficence in various manners, while computing and accounting for the risks of malice and the potential benefits of the research works to the participants and to the rest of the community also. They also try to remain sensitive to the well being of the persons involved in the research work (DeWitte, 2015). The objective of the research work The La Trobe University wants to conduct a research on the following subject: The aim is to conduct research work on the population consisting of adolescents and young adult patients with Type 1 Diabetes. It has been observed that in modern times, the attendance of the young adolescents in diabetes clinics have not been up to the mark. In order to receive a good care and lead a better life, the young adults, adolescents and the children with T1D should visit the clinics regularly for proper care and medication (Ethicist, 2015). The main aim is to determine the present attendance scenario in the diabetes clinics for the young adolescents and adults. The intended research work includes the following areas of focus: Ascertaining the current health care scenario for the Type 1 Diabetes. To develop and implement an efficient transition program for the adolescents to the young adults Type 1 Diabetes. To design a program that will increase the attendance of the young and adult Type 1 Diabetes patients in the health care providers. Population and sample size selection The population will be selected from that particular age band of 18-30 years with Type 1 Diabetes. For this study, the researcher has selected the simple probability random sampling method. Researcher will use both the online and offline interview process for this particular case study. The participants will be asked several questions relating to the treatment quality and the necessity to transform from pediatric to adult health care in Type 1 Diabetes. The sample size will be 150 people. This is done because it is believed in any research work that what holds true for the sample, can be construed to hold good for the rest of the population also. (Morar, 2014). Data collection process The university is going to conduct the research on patients with Type 1 Diabetes, after getting approval from the La Trobe University Ethics Committee (Tirosh, 2013). For data interpretation, the researcher will be using the descriptive method of data analysis and collection. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted in this particular study. The methods of statistical demographic information will be used by the researcher. Field notes will also be used. The researcher will not ask any personal questions which can hurt the patients emotionally. The replication of logic will be maintained by asking similar questions to all the participants. Data storage The questionnaires will be stored in soft copy also within the system of the university, so that the data collection does not go in vain if the hard copies of the questionnaires are destroyed or lost somehow. This is done to ensure that the research work is not hampered at any stage. The data will be stored on systems having high degree of security, which will prevent any kind of data hacking or data storage (Sexton, 2014). Data analysis technique The analysis of the collected data will be done using the quantitative data analysis techniques. There will also be highly qualified and trained professionals who will be dealing with such data. The other software like Microsoft Excel will also be used whenever required (Posner, 2013). Addressing the ethical issues. The issues of ethical conduct are to be addressed. It should be pointed out by the university clearly to the Ethics Committee that in no way the project is going to harm the participants. The entire process should be scientific and shall involve a moral procedure. If at any moment the committee finds that the research has malicious intentions for the public, then they will not approve the project under any circumstances (Tsang et al. 2015). The researching committee should have very clear and transparent process oriented planning in mind, so that they can satisfy the ethics committee about the viability of such a research work. The committee cannot approve of something which might be a detriment to the society. So, it is of utmost importance that the researchers chalk out a realistic and beneficial project plan which is done with the intention of creating something good for the society (Jones, 2015). Assessment of study risks and measures of mitigation The university must be successful in proving to the ethical committee about the human welfare aspect of the project. In such a vast process of research work, it might well happen that an accident might happen during the process of the project. Plenty of risks are associated with any project work (Silaigwana et al. 2015). There should be estimation of the probable risks involved in the process of the research. This aspect cannot be overlooked under any circumstances as this decides the success and failure of a research proposal. It is imperative that the research department which will be conducting the work should understand the importance of making mitigation plans in case of any contingency. As for example, while collecting the blood sample from a particular participant, it may happen that the persons vein gets ruptured and there is an excess leakage of blood. During such an emergency, the unit should make adequate arrangements with a health care organization, who will tackle such i ssues immediately and with care and empathy (Hosein, 2015). Unless the ethics committee is absolutely convinced that all the processes will have adequate contingency plans and supportive mitigation measures, it will not give the green signal. It happens many times that a number of research proposals fail to get the nod of the ethics committee since they have failed to follow the basic requirements of following the safety norms for the public and a very well thought out mitigation plan (Culbertson, 2012). Drafting of data collection tools In this section, the various tools and techniques involved in the data collection procedure are discussed. Drafting of the participant information sheet Participant Information Statement TYPE 1 DIABETES - TRANSITIONING TO ADULT CARE THROUGH BETTER MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL Invitation of Participation The purpose is to attain good success in determining the current status of Type 1 Diabetes in adolescents and young adults. It will also discuss about the importance of transitional care in the health care providers for the Type 1 Diabetes. Why the study is conducted The basic purpose of the research work is to ascertain what the young adolescents of age 18-30 years who are suffering from Type 1 Diabetes feel about their quality of treatment. Whether they visit the clinics regularly or not? What is their impression about the transition from pediatric to adult care in Type 1 Diabetes? These questions will help to answer the necessary information which the research team is looking for. The main purpose is to reduce Type 1 Diabetes especially from the young population and what steps need to be taken to promote more use of health care to fight the disease. The real life experience of the patients will help to develop various remedies in this regard. The reason for your invitation We have chosen the sample participants from the young age group of 18-30 years. The research is mainly on the young adults and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. It is conducted in order to collect information relating to the disease at this young age and what could be the various methods of improvement in the health care system for Type 1 Diabetes. What is expected of you? The participant needs to answer the questions put forward by the research team. The interview process will take hardly 15-20 minutes to complete. The participant should voluntarily try to answer all the questions that are being asked to him. He should give fair answers to the questions as the results of his answers will be used to determine the real life situation of Type 1 Diabetes. If the participant wishes not to answer a particular question, he might do so. There is no pressure on him under any circumstances. What the advantages and disadvantages are? This research is conducted for the welfare of the society. Today the modern world is getting affected by the Type 1 Diabetes at a very early age. The sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical work, stressful life, food habits are to be blamed for all of these. Through this research we will be able to find out the critical areas of improvement in the transition to adult health care in Type 1 Diabetes. So, the participant is doing something which is good for the society. He is making a significant contribution to the welfare of the society at large. Anyone who is affected with the disease from the age band of 18-30 years can take part. Only, the pregnant ladies who are pregnant, persons with asthma, children under the age of 18 years are restricted from participating in the research. There are no visible disadvantages as such in participating in the survey. There is no chance of any financial or loss in health due to this research. If at any point of time, you decide to withdraw from the research or not to participate at all, you may do so. There will be no bindings whatsoever on this. You just need to mention that you are not able to continue your participation on purely personal grounds. There will be no fines or penalties charged to you for this. How will your privacy be protected? The research team will take the utmost care in order to protect your personal data. Extreme caution will be taken to ensure that your personal information and identity is not disclosed or misused. This will be maintained, except in cases where the disclosure of personal information is mandatory in view of public health and safety. All the interview questionnaires will be preserved in hard copy as well as in soft copy. This data will be used for various reporting and publications. Likewise, the interview transcripts and the written narratives by the participants will also be stored in hard copies and soft copies in order to back up the data in case of any loss or damage. The participant can request for a copy of his or her personal data during the course of the research work. But, he will have to show valid reasons for the request. The copy will reach him within a period of seven working days. The participants can also request for a final review of their interview transcripts before s ubmission of the thesis or the publication of the reports. After publication of the final results of the research, the participants will be provided with the summary of the same. The university has the sole right to preserve the data collected through research with itself, for a period of 5 years. The data might be used for future research work by the university without requesting further permission from the participants. The authorized research personnel of the university will have the sole access to the data for re-use in any research work in future. The data gets removed after five years from the date of collection. What will happen to the outcome of the research? The research will reveal all the areas of concern in the field of transition from pediatrics to the adult care in Type 1 Diabetes. It will create more awareness in the society about the ill effects of Type 1 Diabetes and how it can be cured with the help of proper care at the health care providers and also by maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle. Downloading and forwarding the UHEC application form Filling up the application form The application or proposal form should be downloaded from the website of the La Trobe University. It should be duly filled up, with signatures from all the members of the research committee, who will undertake the research work. The most recent version should be downloaded from the website. The UHEC / FHEC will accept the application form for approval of ethics, which should be completed with the DHS Core Application Form and the Checklist. It should be kept in mind that the DHS Core Application Form does not contain the required data and it is the duty of the investigator to ask for all the relevant information to the concerned person or team. Information regarding this is mentioned in the document named UHEC Guidelines for DHS Applicants. Forwarding the application form The process of review related to the individual research proposals which involve the human subjects depends on the associated risks which the subjects may face and that is regulated by the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, 2007. The process of review designed by La Trobe conforms to the norms laid down by the National Statement. Here is the list of committees who are involved in the review and approval of the applications. The appropriate FHEC needs to monitor the following cases: Negligible risk There is no need for any ethical review in this case. However the researchers should submit a brief summary about their intended research proposal. It is done according to the guidelines of the National Statement. There should be proper audited records also of the negligible risk studies. The FHECs should provide summary along with the checklists for risk assessment for the researches which involve negligible risk to the UHEC (Borenstein et al. 2015). Low risk According to the National Statement, if the risk is of low category, the application must be submitted to the relevant FHEC. The application will be forwarded by the FHEC to the UHEC if the research involves more risk than perceived by the chief investigator of the research team. More than low risk If the research is of more than low risk category, then the UHEC should review it. It is of utmost importance that the members of the UHEC and FHECs are absolutely used to with all the rules and regulations of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. The chair review A review is conducted by the FHEC/UHEC and it is not circulated to the other members of the committee. This process is followed in few of the cases as mentioned below: Modifications to projects There may be certain requests for modifying the said project like, extending the duration of the approval, minor changes to the process and other details of study. Projects which are already approved It includes the projects which are already approved by the HREC of any external agency where any of the La Trobe staffs bears a joint appointment or are required to acquire approvals externally, when the study is located centrally in any other agency from where the project will recruit the subjects. But there should not be any La Trobe University students who are involved as participants. Externally approved studies The studies which are approved externally and are conducted by the students of La Trobe and which are of low risk category, may ask for review which is expedited, by the concerned FHEC Chair except when the La Trobe students are selected as the participants of the research. In such cases the study which is approved externally, must come to the hands of the chair of the UHEC for consideration (Ethicist, 2015). Confidentiality The institution maintains a register which consists of all the human ethics applications. It is not a document which is confidential. The register contains the following details such as: Names of the investigating persons, affiliated institutes, the title of the research project and a small objective of the project (Sexton, 2015). The electronic copies of the research proposals and all the documents relevant to the project are stored in the Research Services files. They may also be kept in the office of the relevant faculty. The applications are generally confidential in nature and are not accessible to the persons who do not belong to the ethics committee. However, in some special cases such applications can be made available to the outsiders. As for example, in case of an application being subjected to a court subpoena or a special request to information, under the Freedom of Information Act. If any application is a part of any funded research project, there may be some contractual obligations on the part of the University and in those cases the investigators should maintain confidentiality (Wassenaar et al. 2015). Any information relating to patentable or commercial nature is to be marked with Commercial-in-Confidence while submitting. Advice to applicants It is a general suggestion to all the applicants to follow these rules in order to get fast approval. These steps are to be kept in mind: The application form needs to be fully completed.Language should not be too complicated to understand.The role of the research and what exactly the participants should be doing in the project should be explained clearly (Arkin et al. 2015).The process of receiving informed consent should be clearly mentioned.There should be a clear mention of how the research data will be used and stored.The application should be duly signed in all the required places, by all the investigators.All the documents necessary for the purpose should be included with the application before final submission. Process of approval The applications need to be lodged 30 days before the date of data collection. Unless there is written approval from the UHEC or the relevant FHECs, the process of data collection should not begin. It is to be noted that the applications are taken for evaluation by the UHEC/FHECs within ten or twelve days of receiving and they are considered in order of their date of receipt. The required information on how to fill the form is mentioned on the cover page of the application. The websites of the faculty also contain the additional information for the successful submission to the respective FHEC. Procedure of appeal If an application has been rejected by an FHEC, it is possible for the investigator to file a complaint against the decision of the UHEC. If any application has not been approved by the committee, the applicant may request the committee to review its decision in this regard. In this situation, the committee may seek an expert advice. If the result is still not satisfactory, it is possible to approach the Office of the University Ombudsman. The University Ombudsman will review the process by which the decision was taken by the ethics committee. Conclusion It might be said that the process of any research work, conducted by any institution or health care providers is an extensive one. There are plenty of regulations and guidelines to be followed while carrying out research on the human subjects. As this sort of research work involves the human beings, hence it becomes an extremely sensitive issue (Muller et al. 2015). Thus, a university should be extremely diligent in structuring all the research objectives and should chalk out a course of project in such a way that, it does not cause any harm to the society at large. It should also be kept in mind that there should be a definite contingency or risk tackling plan in mind in case any emergency arrives. This article reflects how the La Trobe University has followed all the basic steps from setting up the research objective to the final submission of the project application form to the ethics committee. The process has been meticulously followed by the university and it has followed all t he steps mentioned in the National Statement (Whiteman et al. 2015). The La Trobe University has successfully lodged the application process for receiving the approval from the Ethics Committee. Now, it is up to the committee to decide whether it will approve the project or not. If accepted, the research will prove to be extremely beneficial to the society. It will help to create more awareness among the general public and help to develop proper solutions (Jones et al. 2015).
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