Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainability
Introduction This article is study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. It mainly speaks about the origin and the operations of CSR programs in the United States of America from the 1980’s. One of the most dominating concepts of business reporting is Corporate Social Responsibility. It has become mandatory for every business to include a policy with regards to CSR and produce a detailed report with regards to its activities. CSR can be defined as the relationship between a corporate company and the society in which the company operates. The concept of CSR became famous during the late 1960’s and since then it has helped corporations to sustain itself in the market. CSR plays a very important role in the sustainability of every department in the corporation including marketing and management. Corporations are very particular in maintaining a sustainable corporate socially responsible environment. While marketing a product they make sure that they endorse it in the right way as it is the responsibility of the company to provide the right facts of the product to the society. In the same manner with regards to Management corporations make sure that they are socially responsible. Three Principles put together can help us understand CSR in a much better way. ïÆ'Ëœ Sustainability: Sustainability shows how actions taken in the present affect the future. Marketing a product would affect the consumption of the product in the future, also in the field ofShow MoreRelatedSustainability And Corporate Social Responsibility852 Words  | 4 PagesSustainability and corporate social responsibility indicate the desire of an organization as a responsible citizen to give back to the society through initiatives that seek to better the lives of the people and generally, leaving the world a better place to live. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Social Psychology Sociology And Psychology - 3827 Words
2. Social Psychology draws from many different disciplines. These include anthropology, biology, neurology, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. The two main disciplines that have influenced social psychology are sociology and psychology. According to the textbook, â€Å"sociology is the scientific study of human society,†(6). This encompasses all aspects of society such as its institutions (religion, government, school, families, etc.). Also, how society is stratified, or arranged, according to such things like class, race, gender, and so on. Basic Social processes, like socialization, deviance, and control, are also studied by sociologists. One final thing that sociology looks at is structure of groups, bureaucracies, and other organizations (7). Whereas the other part of social psychology is comprised of psychology. Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of the individual and individual behavior. Topics that are addressed by psychology are learning, perception, intelligence, emotions, motivation, memory, and personality (7). Combining these two disciplines creates social psychology, it draws heavily from and collaborates both disciplines into one. The book illustrates that early on both disciplines worked very closely together in regards to research and other departments and many times offered courses that were titled social psychology or social relations, rather than sociology or psychology (7). Fast forward to current times, and we can see the twoShow MoreRelatedSocial Psychology And Sociology And Psychology1450 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Psychology is a broad field that incorporates aspects of both the sciences of Sociology and Psychology. This field of study is designed to help answer the question as to why people display certain behaviors due to their interaction with others. This field of study is very interesting due to its practicality, in regards to real-life demonstration, usage, and observation. In my life, I have held severa l jobs that have been heavily influenced by the dynamics of those who were around me. One jobRead MoreSocial Psychology Definition Paper1122 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Psychology Definition Paper Sinthia Brye PSY/ 400 August 30, 2010 Joyce Willis Social Psychology Introduction Social psychology it observes as the influence of our situations with special attention on how we view and affect one another. Social psychology perceives the way we think, influence people, and relates to others. Social psychology lies at psychology’s boundary with sociology, which sociology is the study of people in groups and societies? Social psychology isRead MoreHistorical Reference Of Social Psychology1169 Words  | 5 Pages Historical Reference of Social Psychology Social psychology uses scientific methods to understand how people’s opinions and behaviors are influenced by the actual presence or the implied presence of others. Social psychology is an integrative field that builds the gap between psychology and sociology. Sociology, on the other hand, is the scientific study of human behavior. In addition, social psychology is a comparatively new field that originated in the early 20th century. In 1954 Gordon AllportRead MorePsychology And Sociology And Psychology1612 Words  | 7 PagesWhen we think of society or people, and their behavior, psychology and sociology come to our mind. This is because they are academic fields that posses the same main idea, which is the study of the behavior. Although these two sciences have enormous differences, for those whom never had read anything about this topics it would seem the same. Despite bearing some superficial similarities, the differences between sociology and psychology are pronounced. Actually the main contrast between them isRead MoreThree Disciplines1097 Words  | 5 Pagesways, but if I had to choose between anthropology, psychology, and sociology, I would have to choose psychology. The reasoning behind it will be explained in detail but it can be broken down to three main reasons; being the first discipline with verified results and facts rather than unproven theories, having more post-high school opportunities considering that I wish to pursue a career in business, and being the most in-depth discipline. Psychology has more quantitative information, more interestingRead MoreSociology: The Study of Humanity Essay1480 Words  | 6 PagesHowever new you are to sociology it is probable that you have an idea, however vague and general, regarding what sociology is supposed to be about. It may be that you have an idea that sociology is about people. And you would be right to think so. We might start then by noting that sociology is one of the human sciences and as such it is a subject to be distinguished from the so-called physical sciences. Sociology is the study of humanity. However this description of sociology is only partiallyRead MoreWhat is Psychology?925 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1929, psychology was defined as the study of consciousness. From about 1930 to1970, the definition of psychology changed with dealing more with the scientific study of behavior. From about 1970 on, psychology was defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. However, according to nowadays definition of psychology, it could be defined as the study of the behavior and human mind. Factors which influencing our behavior include physical, emotions, thoughts and social. It can helpRead MoreDramatic Social Change : A Social Psychological Perspective948 Words  | 4 Pages I have chosen in this article to write about Dramatic Social Change: A Social Psychological Perspective by Roxane de la Sablonnià ¨re, Laura French Bourgeois, Mariam Najihb (Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2195-3325). Dramatic societal changes, such as the breakdown of the Soviet Union and the ongoing â€Å"Arab Spring†uprisings, are present throughout history and continue to reach millions of people every day. Alas, on that point is a dearth of empirical ‘real-world’ research due inRead MoreSocial Psychology : An Individual1117 Words  | 5 Pagesmeaning of social psychology will be introduced. The differences and similarities social psychology shares with certain fields of psychology will be clarified throughout this essay. Specific subjects such as attitudes, group behaviors, and other related sources will be cited throughout this essay. Some of the research methods used in social psychology to determine how individuals affect groups or how groups affect an individual will be discussed in this essay. Keywords: group behaviors, social cognitionRead MoreThe Study of Human Behavior in Given Situations1613 Words  | 7 PagesPsychology is a social science study that covers diverse subject topics and carries out different forms of research in order to understand the development and function of human beings. It is a scientific study that focuses on peoples mind and its functions especially those affecting behavior in a particular context. Psychology is divided into different branches, and each branch addresses its own form of content in relation to mental processes and behavior. Social psychology is one of the psychology
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Black And White Racism Example For Students
Black And White Racism For a long time, racism has occurred as a controversial and hotly debated topic in the American society. Racism has infiltrated the way individuals behave, think, and act in different capacities. It is a grievous insult in referring somebody to as a ‘racist’. Black Americans have accused whites, the nation’s ethnic majority for racism, whereas whites have also accused blacks of racism. Widespread uncertainty, disagreement, and confusion concerning the subject of racism have brought forth strong emotional reactions from individuals. Ambiguity in the definition of the term racism has made it a hard and complicated affair in pinning the ‘right’ explanation. However, based on scientific and logical ideas, racism occurs as an action, attitude, or institutional structures that subordinate individuals or a particular group of individuals based on the color of their skin (Cullen 1290). In this paper, we indulge in the impact of black and white racism in the A merican society. White racism subordinates members of all other groups in the US, based on the lack of ‘white’ skin color. Over the years, white racism has portrayed itself in a myriad of ways, some not recognized by most of the citizens. Black racism roots in the notion that justifies hatred or harming actions to African Americans on whites as a reprisal for the historical and continued transgressions against the black society. Orchestration of ‘racial acts’ has spread to the modern society, taking into account atrocities committed by both sides of the divide (Smith, Juarez, and Jacobson 1199). Historically, white racism has occurred as a prevalent issue in the society that has targeted individuals considered ‘non-whites’ in the American society. Struggles of prominent names such as Martin Luther King Jr. and others against white racism echoes the milestones of this subject, deeply rooted in hearts and minds of individuals. Today, racial atrocities still exist depicting the problem as a virus that digs deep into all elements of the society, whether social, economic, political, or cultural (Hutchings, Vincent L and Wong 422). The immense harmful effects of racism upon the American society have caused injurious effects, especially to certain minority groups. For many years, millions of Indians, Puerto Ricans, Negroes, Mexican-Americans, and other non-whites have received treatment as ‘inferior’ necessitating them to accept inferior neighborhoods, public facilities, jobs, and legal rights. The conditions have spread to where they live, self-images, incomes, attitudes towards authority, educational and cultural attainment, and the nature and stability of their families, amongst others (Castagno 450). Impact of racism Before the widespread awareness and fight against white racism, the subject remained a controversial one, deeply rooted within the society. Existent laws discouraged non-whites from getting suburban jobs, best quality schools, recreational facilities, and housing development found in suburban areas (Wilson and Nielsen 167). From the curtailment of these fundamental aspects, the minority groups have suffered ‘inferior’ treatment from others. Institutional subordination presents a striking concern resulting from geographical exclusion of minority groups from whites-only areas. Historically and presently, overt racism explains the separation of where whites and non-whites live. Various forms of overt racism often bar non-whites from living in white neighborhoods (Castagno 452). Homeowners, landlords, white realtors, and renting agents depict racist behavior thereby preventing non-whites from accessing such areas. Despite recently enacted laws, most non-whites fear of the predicaments that may result in living in such areas especially receiving hostile treatment. Chronic conditions of stress resulting from racism affect the physiological and psychological health of victims of racial discrimination (Unnever and Cullen 1283). The experiences resulting from racial discrimination places enormous stress levels on such individuals, for example, trauma on those that suffer violence. .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .postImageUrl , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:hover , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:visited , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:active { border:0!important; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:active , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Phenomenology Of RacismThe Growing Divide in Race Relations A poll conducted by the CBS News poll on race relations has indicated that most Americans think that the race relations in the US occur as bad. In the survey, blacks depict a negative view of the racial climate in the nation, especially after President Obama clinched the presidency in 2009 (CBS News Poll 1). Deterioration of the public’s perception of racial harmony explains racial disparities notably in incidents and events that capture the scenarios. Race-related events have echoed the element of racism within the American society. Over the past year, the numbers of high-profile killings of blacks by police officers have escalated public’s disharmony and discontent over the subject. Killing of an unarmed black teenager by a white officer prompted the escalation of protests that roiled within the area for weeks. Another wave of protests followed prompting the Justice Department in Ferguson to overhaul its criminal justice system. The incident in Ferguson, amongst others depicts the racial disparity in the modern society. White Americans believe that â€Å"reverse racism†, discrimination against whites occurs a prevalent phenomenon than white racism non-whites face in the US. Black racism explains the hatred, and at times, violent nature of behaviors meant to hurt the white community (Harper 184). Today, white and black racism still occurs as a prevalent aspect of the American society. Polls and studies carried out by various individuals and groups reiterate the thoughts and actions of individuals that reflect racial discrimination. It is crucial that the American society accepts racism as a societal issue, deeply rooted in the way people think and act. Despite the existent laws and policies curtailing racism, the aspect still occurs as deeply rooted explaining the events of racial discrimination. Acknowledging the issue occurs as a fundamental step in efforts meant to curtail the occurrence of the acts of racial discrimination. An overhaul of the aspect of racism presents significant challenges in mitigating all events meant to imply racial discrimination. It is a call for all individuals in the society to accept and look for ways in curtailing racial discrimination atrocities. Works Cited Castagno, Angelina E Extending the Bounds of Race and Racism: Indigenous Women and the Persistence of the Black–White Paradigm of Race. The Urban Review, ISSN 0042-0972, 12/2005, Volume 37, Issue 5, pp. 447 468 CBS News Poll. †A Growing Divide on Race†The New York Times, July 23, 2015. Retrieved from: ®ion=FixedLeftpgtype=Multimedia Harper, Shaun R. et al. Race and Racism in the Experiences of Black Male Resident Assistants at Predominantly White Universities. Journal of College Student Development, ISSN 0897-5264, 2011, Volume 52, Issue 2, pp. 180 – 200 Hutchings, Vincent L and Wong, Cara, Racism, Group Position, and Attitudes about Immigration among Blacks and Whites. Du Bois Review 11. 2 (Fall 2014): 419-442. Smith, Darron T., Juarez Brenda G. and Jacobson Cardell K. White on Black: Can White Parents Teach Black Adoptive Children How to Understand and Cope With Racism? Journal of Black Studies Vol. 42, No. 8 (NOVEMBER 2011), pp. 1195-1230 Unnever, James D and Cullen, Francis T. The Racial Divide in Support for the Death Penalty: Does White Racism Matter? Social Forces, ISSN 0037-7732, 03/2007, Volume 85, Issue 3, pp. 1281 – 1301 Wilson, George and Nielsen, Amie L Color Coding and Support for Social Policy Spending: Assessing the Parameters among Whites. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, ISSN 0002-7162, 03/2011, Volume 634, Issue 1, pp. 174 – 189
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Wrestling with Ethics
Nowadays marketers play a significant role in the development of people society, since these are marketers who â€Å"search for unmet needs, encourage the development of products and services addressing these needs†, and due to their efforts we now have so comfortable, helpful, beautiful and delicious goods (Kotler, 2004, p.35).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Wrestling with Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More But sometimes people in their chase for comfort or pleasure want things that can be extremely harmful for others and even themselves, so here a dilemma for marketers emerges: should they or they should not develop and promote goods, which can constitute a threat for consumers or the society on the whole. To my mind, it is highly important to make goods work for people, but not make harm to them. It is clear that the major aim of the companies is gaining profit and one of the main ways to reach this goal is to satisfy consumers’ needs, and at present even to foresee these needs and provide consumers with what they want even before they want it (Gorchels, 2006, p. 5). But, I believe, that successful firms can and should choose among customers’ need and develop only those goods and services which are really needed for society development and can never be harmful. And big companies already understand that and try to develop new safe goods. For instance, PepsiCo has made a decision â€Å"to shift its flagship brand to Diet Pepsi, rather than regular Pepsi†(Gorchels, 2006, p.17). This became a result of growing problem of obesity and â€Å"aging Baby Boomers†which â€Å"have impacted sales†(Gorchels, 2006, p.17). Of course, this only reduces negative impact of Pepsi, and makes it a bit healthier, but it is not enough. In my opinion, they should continue researching to find the way to maintain the taste, for this is what consumers l ike, and replace the harmful ingredients with healthy ones or, ideally, with useful ingredients which will contribute into human body development. Moreover, our technology can make all this come true. But more immediate results can bring the method of â€Å"increasing â€Å"sin†taxes†(Kotler, 2004, p.33). And this can be very effective, since, first of all, people will have to pay more for their doubtful pleasure, so they will think more whether they need to harm their health (and social programs make people aware of all that harm) and pay even more, and, finally they can come to a conclusion to get involved into sports and healthy hobbies. The second outcome of this method is that the government gets more money that can be used for social programs to prevent people from using such harmful goods, or for development of medicine and promotion of healthy way of life. But I’d like to add that, though Kotler mentions charity donations of big companies, for example McDonalds, (2004, p. 32), it is obvious that it is not the way out.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is impossible and really cynic to believe that such big company’s mischief will vanish after its giving some money to a hospital or orphanage. But instead Kotler (2004) gives the possible way out even for McDonalds suggesting them to provide more healthy food and very its menu, enriching it with different salads, etc. (p. 32). Thus, it is necessary to promote social responsibilities within big or even international enterprises with the help of government and consumers’ education. But, to my mind, it is necessary to pay more attention to education even from the kindergarten to grow responsible people who will understand the importance of providing necessary and socially friendly goods. Reference Gorchels, L. (2006). The Product manager’s handb ook. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. Kotler, Philip. (2004). Marketers Wrestle With Ethical Questions: Is Marketing Ethics an Oxymoron?. Marketing Management. 13(6), 30-35. This critical writing on Wrestling with Ethics was written and submitted by user Graysen K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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