Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainability
Introduction This article is study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. It mainly speaks about the origin and the operations of CSR programs in the United States of America from the 1980’s. One of the most dominating concepts of business reporting is Corporate Social Responsibility. It has become mandatory for every business to include a policy with regards to CSR and produce a detailed report with regards to its activities. CSR can be defined as the relationship between a corporate company and the society in which the company operates. The concept of CSR became famous during the late 1960’s and since then it has helped corporations to sustain itself in the market. CSR plays a very important role in the sustainability of every department in the corporation including marketing and management. Corporations are very particular in maintaining a sustainable corporate socially responsible environment. While marketing a product they make sure that they endorse it in the right way as it is the responsibility of the company to provide the right facts of the product to the society. In the same manner with regards to Management corporations make sure that they are socially responsible. Three Principles put together can help us understand CSR in a much better way. ïÆ'Ëœ Sustainability: Sustainability shows how actions taken in the present affect the future. Marketing a product would affect the consumption of the product in the future, also in the field ofShow MoreRelatedSustainability And Corporate Social Responsibility852 Words  | 4 PagesSustainability and corporate social responsibility indicate the desire of an organization as a responsible citizen to give back to the society through initiatives that seek to better the lives of the people and generally, leaving the world a better place to live. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Social Psychology Sociology And Psychology - 3827 Words
2. Social Psychology draws from many different disciplines. These include anthropology, biology, neurology, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. The two main disciplines that have influenced social psychology are sociology and psychology. According to the textbook, â€Å"sociology is the scientific study of human society,†(6). This encompasses all aspects of society such as its institutions (religion, government, school, families, etc.). Also, how society is stratified, or arranged, according to such things like class, race, gender, and so on. Basic Social processes, like socialization, deviance, and control, are also studied by sociologists. One final thing that sociology looks at is structure of groups, bureaucracies, and other organizations (7). Whereas the other part of social psychology is comprised of psychology. Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of the individual and individual behavior. Topics that are addressed by psychology are learning, perception, intelligence, emotions, motivation, memory, and personality (7). Combining these two disciplines creates social psychology, it draws heavily from and collaborates both disciplines into one. The book illustrates that early on both disciplines worked very closely together in regards to research and other departments and many times offered courses that were titled social psychology or social relations, rather than sociology or psychology (7). Fast forward to current times, and we can see the twoShow MoreRelatedSocial Psychology And Sociology And Psychology1450 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Psychology is a broad field that incorporates aspects of both the sciences of Sociology and Psychology. This field of study is designed to help answer the question as to why people display certain behaviors due to their interaction with others. This field of study is very interesting due to its practicality, in regards to real-life demonstration, usage, and observation. In my life, I have held severa l jobs that have been heavily influenced by the dynamics of those who were around me. One jobRead MoreSocial Psychology Definition Paper1122 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Psychology Definition Paper Sinthia Brye PSY/ 400 August 30, 2010 Joyce Willis Social Psychology Introduction Social psychology it observes as the influence of our situations with special attention on how we view and affect one another. Social psychology perceives the way we think, influence people, and relates to others. Social psychology lies at psychology’s boundary with sociology, which sociology is the study of people in groups and societies? Social psychology isRead MoreHistorical Reference Of Social Psychology1169 Words  | 5 Pages Historical Reference of Social Psychology Social psychology uses scientific methods to understand how people’s opinions and behaviors are influenced by the actual presence or the implied presence of others. Social psychology is an integrative field that builds the gap between psychology and sociology. Sociology, on the other hand, is the scientific study of human behavior. In addition, social psychology is a comparatively new field that originated in the early 20th century. In 1954 Gordon AllportRead MorePsychology And Sociology And Psychology1612 Words  | 7 PagesWhen we think of society or people, and their behavior, psychology and sociology come to our mind. This is because they are academic fields that posses the same main idea, which is the study of the behavior. Although these two sciences have enormous differences, for those whom never had read anything about this topics it would seem the same. Despite bearing some superficial similarities, the differences between sociology and psychology are pronounced. Actually the main contrast between them isRead MoreThree Disciplines1097 Words  | 5 Pagesways, but if I had to choose between anthropology, psychology, and sociology, I would have to choose psychology. The reasoning behind it will be explained in detail but it can be broken down to three main reasons; being the first discipline with verified results and facts rather than unproven theories, having more post-high school opportunities considering that I wish to pursue a career in business, and being the most in-depth discipline. Psychology has more quantitative information, more interestingRead MoreSociology: The Study of Humanity Essay1480 Words  | 6 PagesHowever new you are to sociology it is probable that you have an idea, however vague and general, regarding what sociology is supposed to be about. It may be that you have an idea that sociology is about people. And you would be right to think so. We might start then by noting that sociology is one of the human sciences and as such it is a subject to be distinguished from the so-called physical sciences. Sociology is the study of humanity. However this description of sociology is only partiallyRead MoreWhat is Psychology?925 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1929, psychology was defined as the study of consciousness. From about 1930 to1970, the definition of psychology changed with dealing more with the scientific study of behavior. From about 1970 on, psychology was defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. However, according to nowadays definition of psychology, it could be defined as the study of the behavior and human mind. Factors which influencing our behavior include physical, emotions, thoughts and social. It can helpRead MoreDramatic Social Change : A Social Psychological Perspective948 Words  | 4 Pages I have chosen in this article to write about Dramatic Social Change: A Social Psychological Perspective by Roxane de la Sablonnià ¨re, Laura French Bourgeois, Mariam Najihb (Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2195-3325). Dramatic societal changes, such as the breakdown of the Soviet Union and the ongoing â€Å"Arab Spring†uprisings, are present throughout history and continue to reach millions of people every day. Alas, on that point is a dearth of empirical ‘real-world’ research due inRead MoreSocial Psychology : An Individual1117 Words  | 5 Pagesmeaning of social psychology will be introduced. The differences and similarities social psychology shares with certain fields of psychology will be clarified throughout this essay. Specific subjects such as attitudes, group behaviors, and other related sources will be cited throughout this essay. Some of the research methods used in social psychology to determine how individuals affect groups or how groups affect an individual will be discussed in this essay. Keywords: group behaviors, social cognitionRead MoreThe Study of Human Behavior in Given Situations1613 Words  | 7 PagesPsychology is a social science study that covers diverse subject topics and carries out different forms of research in order to understand the development and function of human beings. It is a scientific study that focuses on peoples mind and its functions especially those affecting behavior in a particular context. Psychology is divided into different branches, and each branch addresses its own form of content in relation to mental processes and behavior. Social psychology is one of the psychology
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Black And White Racism Example For Students
Black And White Racism For a long time, racism has occurred as a controversial and hotly debated topic in the American society. Racism has infiltrated the way individuals behave, think, and act in different capacities. It is a grievous insult in referring somebody to as a ‘racist’. Black Americans have accused whites, the nation’s ethnic majority for racism, whereas whites have also accused blacks of racism. Widespread uncertainty, disagreement, and confusion concerning the subject of racism have brought forth strong emotional reactions from individuals. Ambiguity in the definition of the term racism has made it a hard and complicated affair in pinning the ‘right’ explanation. However, based on scientific and logical ideas, racism occurs as an action, attitude, or institutional structures that subordinate individuals or a particular group of individuals based on the color of their skin (Cullen 1290). In this paper, we indulge in the impact of black and white racism in the A merican society. White racism subordinates members of all other groups in the US, based on the lack of ‘white’ skin color. Over the years, white racism has portrayed itself in a myriad of ways, some not recognized by most of the citizens. Black racism roots in the notion that justifies hatred or harming actions to African Americans on whites as a reprisal for the historical and continued transgressions against the black society. Orchestration of ‘racial acts’ has spread to the modern society, taking into account atrocities committed by both sides of the divide (Smith, Juarez, and Jacobson 1199). Historically, white racism has occurred as a prevalent issue in the society that has targeted individuals considered ‘non-whites’ in the American society. Struggles of prominent names such as Martin Luther King Jr. and others against white racism echoes the milestones of this subject, deeply rooted in hearts and minds of individuals. Today, racial atrocities still exist depicting the problem as a virus that digs deep into all elements of the society, whether social, economic, political, or cultural (Hutchings, Vincent L and Wong 422). The immense harmful effects of racism upon the American society have caused injurious effects, especially to certain minority groups. For many years, millions of Indians, Puerto Ricans, Negroes, Mexican-Americans, and other non-whites have received treatment as ‘inferior’ necessitating them to accept inferior neighborhoods, public facilities, jobs, and legal rights. The conditions have spread to where they live, self-images, incomes, attitudes towards authority, educational and cultural attainment, and the nature and stability of their families, amongst others (Castagno 450). Impact of racism Before the widespread awareness and fight against white racism, the subject remained a controversial one, deeply rooted within the society. Existent laws discouraged non-whites from getting suburban jobs, best quality schools, recreational facilities, and housing development found in suburban areas (Wilson and Nielsen 167). From the curtailment of these fundamental aspects, the minority groups have suffered ‘inferior’ treatment from others. Institutional subordination presents a striking concern resulting from geographical exclusion of minority groups from whites-only areas. Historically and presently, overt racism explains the separation of where whites and non-whites live. Various forms of overt racism often bar non-whites from living in white neighborhoods (Castagno 452). Homeowners, landlords, white realtors, and renting agents depict racist behavior thereby preventing non-whites from accessing such areas. Despite recently enacted laws, most non-whites fear of the predicaments that may result in living in such areas especially receiving hostile treatment. Chronic conditions of stress resulting from racism affect the physiological and psychological health of victims of racial discrimination (Unnever and Cullen 1283). The experiences resulting from racial discrimination places enormous stress levels on such individuals, for example, trauma on those that suffer violence. .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .postImageUrl , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:hover , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:visited , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:active { border:0!important; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:active , .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u736e1d174f09ba29c5977f95767ae05a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Phenomenology Of RacismThe Growing Divide in Race Relations A poll conducted by the CBS News poll on race relations has indicated that most Americans think that the race relations in the US occur as bad. In the survey, blacks depict a negative view of the racial climate in the nation, especially after President Obama clinched the presidency in 2009 (CBS News Poll 1). Deterioration of the public’s perception of racial harmony explains racial disparities notably in incidents and events that capture the scenarios. Race-related events have echoed the element of racism within the American society. Over the past year, the numbers of high-profile killings of blacks by police officers have escalated public’s disharmony and discontent over the subject. Killing of an unarmed black teenager by a white officer prompted the escalation of protests that roiled within the area for weeks. Another wave of protests followed prompting the Justice Department in Ferguson to overhaul its criminal justice system. The incident in Ferguson, amongst others depicts the racial disparity in the modern society. White Americans believe that â€Å"reverse racism†, discrimination against whites occurs a prevalent phenomenon than white racism non-whites face in the US. Black racism explains the hatred, and at times, violent nature of behaviors meant to hurt the white community (Harper 184). Today, white and black racism still occurs as a prevalent aspect of the American society. Polls and studies carried out by various individuals and groups reiterate the thoughts and actions of individuals that reflect racial discrimination. It is crucial that the American society accepts racism as a societal issue, deeply rooted in the way people think and act. Despite the existent laws and policies curtailing racism, the aspect still occurs as deeply rooted explaining the events of racial discrimination. Acknowledging the issue occurs as a fundamental step in efforts meant to curtail the occurrence of the acts of racial discrimination. An overhaul of the aspect of racism presents significant challenges in mitigating all events meant to imply racial discrimination. It is a call for all individuals in the society to accept and look for ways in curtailing racial discrimination atrocities. Works Cited Castagno, Angelina E Extending the Bounds of Race and Racism: Indigenous Women and the Persistence of the Black–White Paradigm of Race. The Urban Review, ISSN 0042-0972, 12/2005, Volume 37, Issue 5, pp. 447 468 CBS News Poll. †A Growing Divide on Race†The New York Times, July 23, 2015. Retrieved from: ®ion=FixedLeftpgtype=Multimedia Harper, Shaun R. et al. Race and Racism in the Experiences of Black Male Resident Assistants at Predominantly White Universities. Journal of College Student Development, ISSN 0897-5264, 2011, Volume 52, Issue 2, pp. 180 – 200 Hutchings, Vincent L and Wong, Cara, Racism, Group Position, and Attitudes about Immigration among Blacks and Whites. Du Bois Review 11. 2 (Fall 2014): 419-442. Smith, Darron T., Juarez Brenda G. and Jacobson Cardell K. White on Black: Can White Parents Teach Black Adoptive Children How to Understand and Cope With Racism? Journal of Black Studies Vol. 42, No. 8 (NOVEMBER 2011), pp. 1195-1230 Unnever, James D and Cullen, Francis T. The Racial Divide in Support for the Death Penalty: Does White Racism Matter? Social Forces, ISSN 0037-7732, 03/2007, Volume 85, Issue 3, pp. 1281 – 1301 Wilson, George and Nielsen, Amie L Color Coding and Support for Social Policy Spending: Assessing the Parameters among Whites. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, ISSN 0002-7162, 03/2011, Volume 634, Issue 1, pp. 174 – 189
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Wrestling with Ethics
Nowadays marketers play a significant role in the development of people society, since these are marketers who â€Å"search for unmet needs, encourage the development of products and services addressing these needs†, and due to their efforts we now have so comfortable, helpful, beautiful and delicious goods (Kotler, 2004, p.35).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Wrestling with Ethics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More But sometimes people in their chase for comfort or pleasure want things that can be extremely harmful for others and even themselves, so here a dilemma for marketers emerges: should they or they should not develop and promote goods, which can constitute a threat for consumers or the society on the whole. To my mind, it is highly important to make goods work for people, but not make harm to them. It is clear that the major aim of the companies is gaining profit and one of the main ways to reach this goal is to satisfy consumers’ needs, and at present even to foresee these needs and provide consumers with what they want even before they want it (Gorchels, 2006, p. 5). But, I believe, that successful firms can and should choose among customers’ need and develop only those goods and services which are really needed for society development and can never be harmful. And big companies already understand that and try to develop new safe goods. For instance, PepsiCo has made a decision â€Å"to shift its flagship brand to Diet Pepsi, rather than regular Pepsi†(Gorchels, 2006, p.17). This became a result of growing problem of obesity and â€Å"aging Baby Boomers†which â€Å"have impacted sales†(Gorchels, 2006, p.17). Of course, this only reduces negative impact of Pepsi, and makes it a bit healthier, but it is not enough. In my opinion, they should continue researching to find the way to maintain the taste, for this is what consumers l ike, and replace the harmful ingredients with healthy ones or, ideally, with useful ingredients which will contribute into human body development. Moreover, our technology can make all this come true. But more immediate results can bring the method of â€Å"increasing â€Å"sin†taxes†(Kotler, 2004, p.33). And this can be very effective, since, first of all, people will have to pay more for their doubtful pleasure, so they will think more whether they need to harm their health (and social programs make people aware of all that harm) and pay even more, and, finally they can come to a conclusion to get involved into sports and healthy hobbies. The second outcome of this method is that the government gets more money that can be used for social programs to prevent people from using such harmful goods, or for development of medicine and promotion of healthy way of life. But I’d like to add that, though Kotler mentions charity donations of big companies, for example McDonalds, (2004, p. 32), it is obvious that it is not the way out.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is impossible and really cynic to believe that such big company’s mischief will vanish after its giving some money to a hospital or orphanage. But instead Kotler (2004) gives the possible way out even for McDonalds suggesting them to provide more healthy food and very its menu, enriching it with different salads, etc. (p. 32). Thus, it is necessary to promote social responsibilities within big or even international enterprises with the help of government and consumers’ education. But, to my mind, it is necessary to pay more attention to education even from the kindergarten to grow responsible people who will understand the importance of providing necessary and socially friendly goods. Reference Gorchels, L. (2006). The Product manager’s handb ook. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. Kotler, Philip. (2004). Marketers Wrestle With Ethical Questions: Is Marketing Ethics an Oxymoron?. Marketing Management. 13(6), 30-35. This critical writing on Wrestling with Ethics was written and submitted by user Graysen K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Wind Symphony essays
Wind Symphony essays The Wind Symphony preformed on Monday, October 11 at 8:00 p.m. at the Walton Arts Center in Baum-Walker Hall. The performance lasted one hour and thirty minuets and consisted of six pieces. The first piece was Variations for Wind Band by Ralph Vaughn Williams. All the instruments tuned to the oboe then they started the English piece. The Bass and symbols came in first and was very loud. The song reminded me of the movie ''Raiders of the Lost Ark.'' The feeling was mysterious and I liked it. The second piece was "Chester" Overture for Band by William Schuman. This American song moved very fast with a lot of clarinet and flute for the melody. I liked this song because it was patriotic. The third piece was Chester leaps in by Steven Bryant. I really liked this song because I heard a lot of clarinet and bell solos. I happen to be a clarinet player and I know how hard it is for clarinets to be heard so I really enjoyed this piece. The fourth piece was Marche Joyeuse by Emmanuel Chabrier. This piece featured an oboe solo and then the full band came in and repeated the melody several times. I liked this French song because of the fullness and richness of the rhythm. This song made me feel happy. The fifth piece was Bacchanale by Rolf Rudin. This German piece was full of wonderful moments and colors, but changes feelings though out. First the song starts out suspenseful like something bad is about to happen in a thriller movie. Then the song changes to happy like what someone might hear at a festival. At the end there is a trumpet solo that expresses major and minor harmonics. I thought this song was too long, but I still liked it. The sixth piece was Vesuvius by Frank Ticheli. This American piece featured an oboe and French horn solo. Lots of a triangle was used as well. Towards the middle there wa ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Analysis of Yasmina Rezas Play God of Carnage
Analysis of Yasmina Reza's Play 'God of Carnage' Conflict and human nature when presented with it, are the predominant themes of Yasmina Rezas play God of Carnage. Well-written and a display of fascinating character development, this play gives the audience an opportunity to witness the verbal battles of two families and their complex personalities. An Introduction to God of Carnage God of Carnage is written by Yasmina Reza, an award-winning playwright. Rezas other notable plays include Art and Life x 3. Author Christopher Hampton translated her play from French into English. In 2011, it was made into a film titled Carnage, directed by Roman Polanski. The plot of God of Carnage begins with an 11-year-old boy (Ferdinand) who strikes another boy (Bruno) with a stick, thereby knocking out two front teeth. The parents of each boy meet. What begins as a civil discussion ultimately devolves into a yelling match. Overall, the story is well-written and it is an interesting play that many people will enjoy. Some of the highlights for this reviewer include: Realistic dialogueBelievable charactersInsightful satireSubtle / vague ending Theater of Bickering Most people arent fans of ugly, angry, pointless arguments - at least not in real life. But, not surprisingly, these types of arguments are a theater staple, and with good reason. Obviously, the stationary nature of the stage means that most playwrights will generate a physically sedentary conflict that can be sustained in a single setting. Pointless bickering is perfect for such an occasion. Also, a tense argument reveals multiple layers of a character: emotional buttons are pressed and boundaries are assaulted. For an audience member, there is a dark voyeuristic pleasure in watching the verbal battle which unfolds during Yasmina Rezas God of Carnage. We get to watch the characters unravel their dark sides, despite their diplomatic intentions. We get to behold adults who act like rude, petulant children. However, if we watch closely, we might see a bit of ourselves. The Setting The entire play takes place at the home of the Houllie family. Originally set in modern Paris, subsequent productions of God of Carnage set the play in other urban locations such as London and New York. The Characters Although we spend a short time with these four characters (the play runs about 90 minutes with no breaks or scene changes), playwright Yasmina Reza creates each with a sprinkling of commendable traits and questionable moral codes. Veronique Houllie (Veronica in American productions)Michel Houllie (Michael in American productions)Annette ReilleAlain Reille (Alan in American productions) Veronique Houllie At first, she seems like the most benevolent of the bunch. Instead of resorting to litigation regarding her son Brunos injury, she believes that they can all come to an agreement about how Ferdinand should make amends for his attack. Of the four principles, Veronique exhibits the strongest desire for harmony. She is even writing a book about the atrocities of Darfur. Her flaws lie in her overly judgmental nature. She wants to instill a sense of shame in Ferdinands parents (Alain and Annette Reille) hoping they will, in turn, instill a deep sense of regret in their son. About forty minutes into their encounter, Veronique decides that Alain and Annette are terrible parents and miserable people in general, yet throughout the play, she still attempts to maintain her crumbling facade of civility. Michel Houllie At first, Michel seems eager to create peace between the two boys and perhaps even bond with the Reilles. He offers them food and drink. He is quick to agree with the Reilles, even making light of the violence, commenting on how he was a leader of his own gang during his childhood (as was Alain). As the conversation progresses, Michel reveals his uncouth nature. He makes racial slurs about the Sudanese people whom his wife is writing about. He denounces child-raising as a wasteful, grueling experience. His most controversial action (which takes place before the play) has to do with his daughters pet hamster. Because of his fear of rodents, Michel released the hamster in the streets of Paris, even though the poor creature was terrified and clearly wanted to be kept at home. The rest of the adults are disturbed by his actions, and the play concludes with a phone call from his young daughter, crying over the loss of her pet. Annette Reille Ferdinands mother is constantly on the brink of a panic attack. In fact, she vomits twice during the course of the play (which must have been unpleasant for the actors each night). Like Veronique, she wants resolution and believes at first that communication can ameliorate the situation between the two boys. Unfortunately, the pressures of motherhood and household have eroded her self-confidence. Annette feels abandoned by her husband who is eternally preoccupied with work. Alain is glued to his cell phone throughout the play until Annette finally loses control and drops the phone into a vase of tulips. Annette is the most physically destructive of the four characters. In additional to ruining her husbands new phone, she intentionally smashes the vase at the end of the play. (And her vomit incident spoils some of Veroniques books and magazines, but that was accidental.) Also, unlike her husband, she defends her childs violent actions by pointing out that Ferdinand was verbally provoked and out-numbered by the gang of boys. Alain Reille Alain might be the most stereotypical character of the group in that he is modeled after other slimy lawyers from countless other stories. He is the most openly rude because he frequently interrupts their meeting by talking on his cell phone. His law firm represents a pharmaceutical company that is about to be sued because one of their new products causes dizziness and other negative symptoms. He claims that his son is a savage and doesnt see any point in trying to change him. He seems the most sexist of the two men, often implying that women have a host of limitations. On the other hand, Alain is in some ways the most honest of the characters. When Veronique and Annette claim that people must show compassion toward their fellow man, Alain becomes philosophical, wondering if anyone can truly care for others, implying that individuals will always act out of self-interest. Men vs. Women While much of the plays conflict is between the Houllies and the Reilles, a battle of the sexes is also interwoven throughout the storyline. Sometimes a female character makes a disparaging claim about her husband and the second female will chime in with her own critical anecdote. Likewise, the husbands will make snide comments about their family life, creating a bond (albeit a fragile one) between the males. Ultimately, each of the characters turns on the other so that by the plays end everyone seems emotionally isolated.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Navajo Weaving Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Navajo Weaving Art - Essay Example The Insect People flew up into the second world, guided through a hole in the sky by a cliff swallow. The second world was a barren world inhabited by Swallow People. They decided to stay anyway, but after 24 days, one of the Insect People made love to the wife of the Swallow People's chief. They were expelled to the third world; the white face of the wind told them of an opening. The third world was a barren world of Grasshopper People. Again, the Insect People were expelled for philandering after 24 days. The red face of the wind guided them to the hole to the fourth world. This world was inhabited by animals and Pueblos, with whom the Insect People coexisted peacefully. The gods made people in human form from ears of corn, different colors of corn becoming different tribes. The Insect People intermarried with them, and their descendants eventually looked fully human. In time, the men and women argued and decided to live apart. But both groups engaged in unnatural sex acts, and eve ntually the women were starving, so they got back together. The gods were displeased by their sins, though, and sent a wall of water upon them. The people noticed animals running and sent cicadas to investigate. They escaped the floodwaters by climbing into a fast-growing reed. Cicada dug an entrance into the fifth world, which was inhabited by grebes. The grebes said that people could have that world if they could survive plunging arrows into their heart. The cicadas met this challenge (they bear the scars on their sides still), and people live in the fifth world today. (Terzoulin) The Holy People marked their territories through the found mountains the put four sacred mountains in four different directions: Mt. Hesperus in the north, Mt. Blanca in the east, Mt. Taylor in the south, San Francisco Peaks in the west, which through their interaction with the Navajo people, shared with them the means and ways of doing everday activities in life, "in harmony" with Mother Earth. "The Dineh believe there are two classes of beings: the Earth People and the Holy People. The earth People are ordinary mortals, while the Holy People are spiritual beings that cannot be seen. Holy People are believed to aid or harm Earth People." (Explore the Navajo Nation) On the contrary, the temporal side, which is supported by several anthropologists, historians and artists proposes that the weaving was a skill acquired by the Navajo Didine (people) from their interraction with the Pueblo weavers during the mid-17th century. (Bernstein) Economic situations during the Navajo's transfer to Bosque Redondo at Fort Summer after Colonel Kit Carson induced an adoption of General Sherman of the US' "scorched death", which was then later called "The Navajo Threat", and their exposure to trade and tourists while having problems in earning salaries all contributed to the eventual change in their weaving culture and style. (Anderson) When the Navajo got rugged under the US, they experienced sudden
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Assignment 1 - Essay Example Experts predict that technology in the next 25 years will revolutionize the world to something never seen before. They predict that quantum technology will be possible such that the computers will be able to harness the power of the atom to help in performing computational tasks. The current computers are electronic and therefore they only store information in 1’s or 0’s but with this technology it will be possible to store both and this will increase processing capability (The Observer). Another prediction that is made is that our smart phones that we use today will have the power of a super computer at that time surpassing the capabilities of the servers that we have today. The phones will also have increased memory and the capability to connect to a high powered network that it will be easy for anyone to access massive kinds of information. It will also be possible to store all your information in a back-up cloud so that in case it is lost you only need to identify yourself and you have all your information (Gates). Another prediction is that I will be possible to speak to your computer such that there will be no need for a key board or a mouse, you will talk to the computer and tell it to perform a given operation with ease. It will be possible to use natural language on computers as they will be able to learn and recognize their errors and mistakes. For example the Watson system developed by IBM that interacts with humans is one such example of what to expect in the future (Marsan). It is also predicted that everything will be digitized and accessible over the internet from personal information to corporate information, to history and education. All these will be scanned and stored on the internet and they will be searchable. The content will also be personalized so that an individual will receive the article, books, music or even movies that march their interest. This storage on the internet will mark the death of certain kinds
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ethnic Market Essay Example for Free
Ethnic Market Essay With mounting western influence and focus on revival of traditional Indian fashion elements, diversity in India sees many faces. To maintain the dignity of the culture and to provide a platform to small Indian brands, future group initiated ethnocentrism concept by opening ethnicity store in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. This initiative has provided new format insights to organized retailers to expand their horizons in highly volatile Indian consumer oriented market. A new format has always been a challenge to any retailer to sustain into the market. In the changing face of market, to regain preference of consumers towards nationalized brands, can be looked from a confronting angle. This created an anxiety in the mind of researchers and inspired them to undergo the research to understand the ethnicity concept. Ethnicity format is studied based on the first ethnicity store set up in the city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat and glimpses are taken from the second and third store set up in Mumbai and Pune respectively. Research is secondary followed by primary in nature. This paper gives insights into the overall set up of ethnicity format that includes differentiating Criterias of ethnicity in comparison to regular retail formats based on observation at the store. Questionnaire based survey is also performed to get opinion on ethnicity store and paper gives insights into preferential category for purchase for future developments Consumers have given a very good response to the new concept. Along with shopping, experiences of consumers with the format have given a lasting impact on their mind-set. Further Raja market, Rani Market, Thoda aur market are found attractive to consumers and have gained good preference of consumers followed by Sona-chandi market Chota India and Ghar aangan market. The insights into concept development and suggested potential extended formats of ethnicity may readily work as a pillar to stand into the market for new retailers. Keywords: Ethnicity, Ethnocentrism, Organized Retail, Nationalized brands. Introduction Indian fashion industry is moving towards westernization due to high level of acceptance of foreign brands by the consumers. Due to this ,western brands are getting a wider platform than the ethnic brands across the country. As a result, national/ethnic products are even overlooked by consumers and time may come that such products may disappear from the market. To protect the Indian heritage, Future group took up the maiden initiative to provide a space to Indian products and brands under its own name and fame Future Group, Indias leading business house with strong presence in retail sector, launched a new retail format, family lifestyle store Ethnicity, in Ahmadabad to market ethnic brands and products of India in 2008. This chain is a major family format developed after the launch of *Professor, G. H. Patel Post Graduate Institute of Business Management, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar. **Assistant Professor, N. R. Institute of Business Management (GLS-MBA), Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad. Pacific Business Review International 2 highly successful family formats like Pantaloons, Big Bazaar, and Home Town. The new store format that has been billed as Everything Indian, seeks to promote ethnic brands, ranging from ethnic and fusion wear, Jewellery, handicrafts, home decor, beauty products to accessories and gifts. Thus ethnicity showcases a large number of small Indian brands under one roof. Ethnicity besides promoting the culture of ethnic products, provide a modern platform to augment the presence of the retailers into the industry. Research Objectives †¢ †¢ †¢ To understand the concept of ethnicity as a new retail format To understand differentiating factors of ethnicity store in comparison to the modern retail stores. To understand the consumers preference towards the new format. Scope of the Study The study has explored the concept of ethnicity. In includes understanding of the theme and concept development, merchandise development and differentiation criteria of format in comparison to existing formats. Further to understand acceptance of the new format, consumers preference towards the offerings has also been analyzed Data Collection Sources Secondary data sources have been used to understand the concept the ethnicity. Information has been taken from leaflet provided by ethnicity store of Ahmedabad, and Company website to get insights into ethnicity store of Pune and Mumbai. Articles kept on the websites are also used at the launch of ethnicity. Primary data has been collected through questionnaire to know consumers preference towards the new format. Respondents were the consumers of Ahmedabad who visited ethnicity store. Sample of 100 respondents was administered out of which 94 responses identified as valid sample for the study. Literature Review Ethnic origin has been defined as a group of people who share a common descent, a sense of collective identity and usually a shared cultural heritage and tradition (Crysdale and Bettie, 1973). Ethnicity implies common customs, values, and attitudes within a group of people who are bound by a common cultural identification. Because values reflect a standard or criterion that people use in the guidance of behavior, they act as a norm for ethnic consumer behavior and an influence on many consumption motives. Ethnic Marketing Ethnic marketing is an important aspect of lifestyle marketing, a strategy that tailors a companys products and services towards the customers lifestyles. According to Technopak Analysis, the current market of sarees and ethnic wear stands at Rs 31,000 crore and is projected to grow at 10 per cent to reach Rs 45,000 crore in 2014. Views expressing rationale towards ethnic marketing Mr. Arvind Singhal, chairman of management consulting and retail specialist firm Technopak Advisors (201011) said, Overall apparel category spends are rising, with special focus on ethnic wear brands, where many new brands have emerged as market heroes. They sensed the vacuum in the market, ease of entry, and attracted women the most interesting target consumer, which places the Indian ethnic wear market at Rs. 56,800 Crore, growing at 9% annually. Govind Shrikhande, customer care associate and managing director, Shoppers Stop said Branded ethnic Volume 5 Issue 5 (November 2012) wear is one of the top selling categories in our stores. For the past few years this segment has seen double digit growth, Mr. Gaurav Mahajan, CEO, Westside, a Tata group company said ,Indian ethnic wear is an integral part of our customer promise. We widened the Westside range and introduced Zuba, which offers silks and authentic handlooms. This autumn will see the launch of two more brands, Mr. Rakesh Biyani, joint managing director, Future Group said ,There is a significant rise in demand for womens ethnic clothing. There is a big gap between the opportunity and what is being delivered today by organized players. This gap identification generated a lead to cover the untapped ethnic market and future group took up the initiative to establish ethnicity store as a revolution in the existing apparel format. Concept development of Ethnicity Store by Future Group. Store Design Future Group has launched the first of a chain of stores aimed at retailing Indian wear in 2008 in Ahmedabad city. It is the branded Ethnicity store that keeps the a range of ethnic and fusion wear, jewelry, handicrafts, home decor, beauty products and accessories and gifts. All the products are India inspired. The store is having a spread over an area of 25,000 to 30,000 sq. ft. Store Objective The apparel labeled as traditional and indoor clothing a decade ago, has laid the foundation for todays contemporary Indian ethnic chic. Ethnicity proudly follows the Indian values of being sensitive to Ahmedabad city, environment and community. It provides a platform to bring together traditional or ethnic 3 retailers and consumers. It recreates the know-how of a traditional ethnic market in a modern retail format and is an aggregator of the multi-faceted ethnic merchandise and traditional selling practices. It revives and rejuvenates anything and everything that is Indian. It aims to truly open out the urban ethnic market and redefine the scale of ethnic merchandising. Ethnic-Theme Positioning at the Store The concept Ethnicity is not limited to ethnic clothing but it is a destination to get the unique experience. The key differentiator for Ethnicity lies in its 360-degree shopping experience. Ethnicitys store design reflects a distinctly ethnic character visual merchandising tools include artifacts, paintings and decor pieces from Rajasthan, Orissa and Gujarat. Visual merchandising at ethnicity is like the synopsis of a story book. Ethnicity has gone the Desi way (Highly traditional) to become attractive and communicative. It is vital to not only be a differentiated retailer but also to draw out the true essence of the products. Branding in ethnic wear has been led by region of origin of the product like Benaresi sarees, Lucknowi kurta, Kutchchi Bandhani. The store is colorfully designed and the flashiness gives it an ambience of luxury and festivity. Atmosphere at Ethincity Store Atmospheric at ethnicity store is a reflection of Indian heritage. Instead of halogen lights, everywhere light is reflected by lanterns. Instead of room freshener or perfumes, a raw fragrant of essential oil from flowers known as attar is used to mesmerizes the entrant and bring them to the Indian culture. All the racks for display of merchandise are developed from wooden and outside decoration is of handicraft, which gives a reflection of Indian art. Instead of having all the racks or shelves for display, few of the merchandise is displayed on cot. Store assistants are dressed in ethnic kurtas for refreshments, Coconut water is served in a lorry (Cart) which gives a flavor of typical Indian culture, on the road serving. Pacific Business Review International 4 Use of multi colors, art and fancy designs, air fragrance and traditional lightings give all time festival feeling experience. market. Chosen name for the market is based on arterial language of India. With the theme of ethnocentrism, the collection represents only Indian brands in all the merchandise. Merchandise at Ethnicity Store All the offerings are divided into a Niche name of Overall Analysis of Ethnicity Store Table 1 Store Sections Generic category name Ethnic name at ethnicity store Women’s wear category Rani market-everything ethnic for women Men’s wear category Raja market-everything ethnic for men Kid’s wear category Chota India market Jewellery/ accessories Sona –chandi market- ethnic Jewellery Home accessories Ghar –aangan- ethnic ideas for your home Stationary/medical items Thoda aur- ethnic accessories and more Source: http://www. indiaretailing. com/organising-ethnic-retail. asp Data Analysis Regular formats of organized retail stores have their specific offerings. While ethnicity store has differentiated the same to give a new experience to the consumers. Based on observation at ethnicity store, the following comparison has been made to derive the differentiation criteria Table 2 Comparative Analysis: Organized Regular Retail Format V/s. Ethnicity Format Parameter Organized Retail Organized retailOutlet outlet Theme A move culture Objective To give exposure to western To give platform to Indian brands culture dynamics and appeal to ethnocentrism Size of the outlet Large size Comparatively small size Structure Vertical departmentation Horizontal departmentation. Availability of brands Global brands Only Indian brands Atmospheric Exclusive halogen lights lantern /yellow lights towards Ethnicity Store Ethnicity store western A move towards Indian legacy Volume 5 Issue 5 (November 2012) 5 Decoration No additional decoration Fully decorated with colors, lamps, handicraft ,puppets etc. -looks like all time festival Music Western songs Indian instrumental Fragrance Room fresheners Raw fragrant of essential oil from flowers known as attar Shelves Racks Along with racks Traditional village themed cots with four legs Merchandise division Products are separate Gender wise product bundling. Apparel gets displayed in one section, accessories other section, footwear another section and so on e. g. Raja market includes apparel ,accessories ,footwear addressing men. Rani market includes apparel, accessories, footwear for women Merchandise name English names Traditional Indian names Store assistant’s dressing Western formal wear Traditional Indian kurta Packaging Plastic printed bags Paper bags with traditional look Merchandise Western outfits western designs and indo- Indian traditional embroidery work outfits with Shoes Mojaris and chappals Indo-western painting Handicraft Cosmetic products. Natural ayurvedic products and aromatherapy Perfumes Incense stick, fragrances Light chandelier Candles and Lantern Artificial jewellery Stone work, Kundan jewellery Refreshments Food court with multi cuisine Small push cart/lorry with coconut water Deliverable Shopping Experience attar, natural Source: Primary data collection through observation Analysis of Consumers Preference Towards Ethnicity Store: Consumers survey has been performed to get insights into their experience towards the format with the help of questionnaire. Respondents were the consumers who visited the ethnicity store. Pacific Business Review International 6 Figure 1 Consumers Preference towards the Market based Merchandise at Ethnicity Store with Mean Rank ( where 1 is least and 5 is maximum) 0 1 2 3 4 5 4. 25 Raja Market 4. 02 Rani Market 2. 80 Chota India 3. 20 Sona Chandi Ghar Aangan 2. 05 4. 15 Thoda aur Source: Primary data collection through questionnaire Consumers preference towards the ethnic theme based markets is analyzed to know the preferred market. This analysis is aimed at developing the market to increase the preference †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Consumers are highly satisfied with Raja Market offerings followed by Rani market and thoda aur market. New introductions in thoda aur market like lamps, candle and fragrances, ayurvedic products etc have grabbed attention of people which gives a lead to introduce more unique and Indian traditional items. Sona chandi market has got a good response. Thus it can be interpreted that fashion accessories in ethnic look are keeping tune with the ethnic garments. As per consumers opinion, Chota India is yet to gain preference may be because of traditional designs that are not preferred more for kids in †¢ comparison to western attractive outfits with cartoon characters Again as per consumers opinion, Ghar aangan is also yet to gain preference may be because of bed sheets, utensils, toys , purchase for rituals like puja ka saaman etc. have pre-existence of established unorganized market. Volume 5 Issue 5 (November 2012) 7 Consumers Preference towards Ethnic Products for Three Most Preferred Markets Figure 2 Preference has been Analyzed towards Offerings for Females as Rani Market Source: Primary data collection through questionnaire Fusion wear and Mix Match are able to attract consumers as it is a new and unique base of ethnic products. As Saari, salwaar kamiz have become a common purchase and many platforms are available to address the demand, preference is found at the moderate level. Figure 3 Preference has been Analyzed towards Offerings for Males as Raja Market Source: Primary data collection through questionnaire In mens wear traditional wear in the form of Jodhpuri, Chudidar and kurtas along with traditional mojaris have attracted consumers to larger extent Pacific Business Review International 8 Figure 4 Preference has been Analyzed towards Offerings for Thoda Aur Market Source: Primary data collection through questionnaire Full range of Fragrances and Candles Incense has been introduced by ethnicity store. It has got extra ordinary preference of consumers. Thus it has contributed towards maintenance of Indian legacy Consumers preference towards Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical wellbeing. Aroma therapists blend therapeutic essential oils especially for each individual and suggest methods of use such as topical application, massage, inhalation or water immersion to stimulate the desired responses. Aroma therapy oils may include : †¢ Peppermint Digestive disorders †¢ Rosemary Muscular pains, mental stimulant †¢ Sandalwood Depression, anxiety and nervous tension †¢ Sweet orange Depression and anxiety. †¢ Tea tree Respiratory problems, antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral †¢ Lavender Headaches, insomnia, burns, aches and pain Ethnicity store has provided the platform for Aromatherapy. Full range of essential oils has been displayed to generate the awareness and preference towards the same. It is aimed at generating awareness towards ayurvedic medicine in the arena of allopath for better and secure treatment. Ethnicity has taken maiden initiative to mould the consumers psychology towards naturopath. (Graph on next page) It can be interpreted from figure-5 that first hand response has been satisfactory with 49% for. Aromatherapy and thus it enjoys the potential to increase the preference in future. The atmospheric of traditional products is supporting the purchase of traditional way of health supplements. The advice and explanation given along with the product has played important role in making realization to go for natural products Volume 5 Issue 5 (November 2012) 9 Figure 5 Preference has been Analyzed for Aroma Therapy Source: Primary data collection through questionnaire Figure 6 Analysis of Consumers Satisfaction towards Ethnicity Store: Consumers level of satisfaction towards the differentiated offerings has been analyzed. Such analysis is aimed at identifying the most appealing differentiation for future positioning of the store and developing the strategies that may lead to future satisfaction Competitive Assessment Matrix with Mean Rank ( Where 1 is least and 5 is maximum) Regular Organized Retail Formats and Ethnicity Store Consumers’ satisfaction on competitive assessment matrix 0 1 2 3 4 5 4. 05 4. 95 Theme 2. 30 2. 60 Price 3. 25 4. 00 Variety 3. 94 4. 35 Display 4. 00 Experience Source: Primary data collection through questionnaire Keys : Regular organized retail outlets Ethnicity store 5. 00 Pacific Business Review International 10 †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢. Competitive assessment matrix depicts that ethnicity theme is highly appealing to the people. The differentiation point of giving experience to the consumers than only to provide a platform for shopping is getting correct positioning in the mind set of consumers as it is applauded by consumers with the mean rank of 4. 95. Unique display of ethnicity is highly appreciated by consumers in comparison to regular organized retail formats. On the dimension of variety ethnicity is lagging behind in comparison, the contributing reason may be limited number of Indian brands into each category. As far as pricing is concerned none of the outlets satisfied the consumers expectation. It brings out the fact that price structure is too high. Here opportunity lies with ethnicity store to discriminate pricing strategy to get competitive edge over other formats. It might be feasible to reformulate the pricing strategy due to nationalized brands. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Suggestions †¢ Major Findings †¢ †¢ †¢ Ethnicity is indeed a revolutionary move towards consumers ethnocentrism. National players have also joined hands with the big retailer and accepted the opportunity to address the mass market. Thus it has contributed to a greater extent in providing a wider platform to small retailer of India. Further is has contributed towards generating awareness of ethnic products and brands of allover India which were not noticed by the consumers and importance was not realized by consumers. It is an absolutely unique model into organized retail formats. Everything starting from atmospherics to collection of brands, merchandise display and packaging is uniquely positioned with the nationalized theme. It provides a feel-good factor and thrilling experience to the consumers. Consumers are getting attracted by the theme and getting exposed and penetrated by ethnic products. Today consumers look for fashionable clothes. National brands which were not recognized earlier, have provided a platform of fashion to explore Consumers are highly satisfied with Raja Market offerings followed by Rani market and thoda aur market. Fusion wear, Mix Match, Jodhpuri,Kurtas, Chudidars, Mojaris and fragrances ,candles and incense are able to get preference of people. Aroma therapy is able to get good welcome form the consumers. Ethnic designs are getting acceptance in the form of novelty. In all this innovative concept well applauded by consumers as they are getting exposed to all the variety and designs of products of all the corners of India under one roof. †¢ †¢ †¢ More Indian retailers should be motivated to provide huge collection of ethnic products in the categories of mens wear and womens wear to provide more varieties. There is a need to increase the range of aroma therapy offerings to increase the awareness and consumption. Fragrances, candles and incense offerings have brought Indian values back in the preferences. This has showcased a very good business potential as a whole. There is a need to provide more and more offerings into the segment with more and more varieties. Potential revolutions into existing format of ethnicity for India. Format can be expanded by introducing specialties of major states/cities of India †¢ Rajasthan market Art craft †¢ Jamnagar market-Bandhani Volume 5 Issue 5 (November 2012) †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Bangalore -Silk garments Chennai- Pearl jewellery Kerala market-Spices Format can be expanded by introducing specialty food of major states/cities of India it may help to give a back shift to the consumer trend which is moving towards western food Gujarati food Punjabi food South Indian food Rajasthani food North Indian food Kathiyawadi food Potential revolutions into existing format of ethnicity for other countries. It has been witnessed that countries are getting specialized into technological innovations but spread of such innovations into the same continent reflects questionable behavior of consumers. Many a times it is because of lack of awareness. Such type of format may provide a common platform to explore the small innovative products at consumer end E. g. European countries. Fashion based Ethnicity- As fashion industry is one of the major growing industries in Europe, all fashion statements can be displayed under one platform †¢ Fashion statement of Italy †¢ Fashion statement of France †¢ Fashion statement of United kingdom Technology based ethnicity- Technical Research. innovation driven countries, all innovations can be displayed under one platform †¢ Big to small innovative products of Finland †¢ Big to small innovative products of Germany †¢ IT Renewable technology based products from Sweden †¢ Electric technology innovations of Netherland E. g. Asian Countries 11 Technology based ethnicity. †¢ Robotic technology based innovative small to big products from South Korea Japan References Crysdale and Bettie, 1973, Retrieved from, http:// www. manifolddatamining. com /html /products/ ethnicmarketing. htm on 15/02/2012 Anuradha Shukla, Ethnic wear market booms in India retrieved from http://wonderwoman. intoday. in/ story/ethnic-wear-market-booms-in-india/1/ 88440. html http://indiatoday. intoday. in/story/ethnic-wear-marketto-grow/1/124981. html retrieved on 06/02/2012 koregaonparkplaza, pune (2011) retrieved from http:// w w w. k o r e g a o n p a r k p l a z a . c o m / s t o r s details. asp? id=77catid=1st=1 retrieved on 06/ 02/2012 Runul Vashistha, (2009) retrieved from http:// www. indiar et a iling. com/ R et ailC oncep t _ details. aspx? Id=58 retrieved on 02/02/2012 Pooja nair, (2009). retrieved from http://ahmedabad. metromela. com/Lamps+and+ethnic+ wear+at+. Ethnicity/article/3183 retrieved on 15/02/2012 Shailesh Shah, (2012). Ethnicity: Towards organising ethnic retail, retrieved from http: // www. indiaretailing. com/organising-ethnicretail. asp retrieved on 02/02/2012 http://www. pantaloonretail. in/pdf/ethnicity_karigari. pdf Reference Book Jr. Churchill Gilbert A. , Lacobucci Dawn, Israel D. , (2009),Marketing Research- A South Asian Perspective, India Edition, Delhi: Cencage Learning. Additional material Leaflet circulated at ethnicity store 12 Glossary Attar: A fragrant of essential oil typically made from rose petals Ayurvedic: It is a Hindu system of traditional medicine native to India and a form of alternative medicine. Ayurveda can be defined as a system, which uses the inherent principles of nature, to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individuals body, mind and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature Bandhani: A process of patterning cloth by tie-dyeing in which the design is reserved on the undyed cloth by tying small spots very tightly with thread to protect them from the dye especially popular in Rajasthan and India Chappal: An item of Indian footwear, similar to a flipflop with a toe strap Chota (India market): Younger, junior child related products. Pacific Business Review International Kundan Jewellery: Kundan is a traditional Indian gemstone jewelry, a method of gem setting in a jewellery piece, consisting of inserting gold foil between the stones and its mount, usually used to create elaborate necklaces believed to have originate in royal courts of Rajasthan and Gujarat. It is the oldest form of jewellery made and worn in India Kurta: A knee-length, collarless shirt worn over pajamas by men in India Mojaris: A style of South Asian handcrafted footwear mostly using vegetable-tanned leatherproduced in India Organized retail: Organized retail has been defined as a network of similarly branded stores with an element of self service Raja (Market): A prince, chief, or ruler related products in India Rani (Market): Indian princess related products Ethnicity: Ethnicity implies common customs, values, and attitudes within a group of people who are bound by a common cultural identification Saree: a dress worn primarily by Hindu women; consists of several yards of light material that is draped around the body Ethnic groups: A group of people who share a common descent, a sense of collective identity and usually a shared cultural heritage and tradition Sona-chandi (market)-Gold silver related products/jewellery Ethnic Marketing: Ethnic marketing is an important aspect of lifestyle marketing, a strategy that tailors a companys products and services towards the customers lifestyles Ghar -aangan (market):Home decoration related products Handicraft: Items made by hand, often with the use of simple tools, and are generally artistic and/or traditional in nature . They are the objects of utility and objects of decoration. Incense stick: It is composed of aromatic biotic materials, which release fragrant smoke when burned Thoda aur (market): somewhat more than the existing here in the context of more than the regular offerings.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Needless Boundaries in Frosts Mending Wall Essay -- Frost Mending Wa
Needless Boundaries in Frost's Mending Wall As long as man has existed, territories and boundaries have been a part of life. Everyone finds a need to have a part of this earth that he can call his own. As soon as one finds his own space, he begins to set boundaries sometimes in the form of walls or fences. This creation of a wall raises the question with the poet, Robert Frost, as to what they are â€Å"walling in or walling out.†In his poem â€Å"Mending Wall,†Frost as the narrator participates in the repairing of a wall that he finds little purpose in. Frost suggests that besides himself there is â€Å"something†mysterious that doesn’t like walls. For example, the frozen ground swells to make gaps big enough to walk through and hunters with their dogs perhaps hav...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Is Logic an Art or Science? Essay
INTRODUCTION: Logic is the science and art which expresses the mind in the procedure of analysis and additional processes as to allow it to accomplish clarity, reliability and strength in that process. To define and arrange our ideas and other mental images, reliability in our decision and strength in our processes of conclusion is the basic aim of Logic. The word logic has been derived from the Greek word ‘Logos’ which means reason. Aristotle, the founder of science, assigns it as â€Å"analytic†and the Epicureans use the word canonic. But from the time of Cicero, the word logic has been used without exemption to select this science. Definitions of Logic: An interesting fact about logic is the science which delights the definition; logicians have not determined as to how logic itself should be defined. Here are some of the definitions of logic: The Port Royal Logic: â€Å"The Art of motive in the accomplishment of knowledge for one’s own lessons and that of others. †Hegel defines Logic as â€Å"Science of clean thought. †St Thomas Aquinas says â€Å"Logic is the science and art which straightens the act of the motive, by which a man in the implementation of his reason is allowed to proceed without mistake, uncertainty or needless complexity. †Logic Science or Art Logic is the science of the process of conclusion. What, then, is conclusion? It is that psychological operation which proceeds by merging two premises so as to cause a resulting conclusion. Some suppose that we may infer from one premise by a so-called â€Å"immediate inference. †But one premise can only reproduce itself in another Form, e. g. all men is some animals; therefore some animals are men. It requires the combination of at least two premises to infer a conclusion different from both. Aristotle was the creator of logic as a science. But he placed too much pressure on interpretation as syllogism or deduction, and on deductive science; and he laid too much pressure on the linguistic study of coherent conversation into plan and stipulations. These two faults remain embedded in practical logic to this day. But in the course of the growth of the science, logicians have endeavored to correct those faults, and have diverged into two schools. Some have dedicated themselves to initiation from sense and experience and broaden logic till it has become a general science of conclusion and precise method. Others have dedicated themselves to the psychological analysis of reasoning, and have pointed logic into a science of beginning, ruling and interpretation. The conceptual logic presumes that beginning always leads judgment; but the reality is that sensory judgment starts and inferential judgment ends by earlier commencement. The supposed triple orderâ€â€conception, ruling, analysisâ€â€is flawed and fake. The genuine order is feeling and sensory ruling, formation, remembrance and memorial judgment, skill and observed judgment, conclusion, inferential decision, inferential formation. This is not all: inferential formations are insufficient, and lastly not succeed. They are frequently symbolical; that is, we imagine one thing only by another like it, e. g. atoms by tiny bodies not nearly small enough. Often the representation is not like. What idea can the physicist form of interspatial ether? What believer in God imagines to envisage Him as tie really is? We consider many things that we cannot imagine; as Mill said, the unthinkable is not the unbelievable; and the point of science is not what we can imagine but what we should consider on evidence. Formation is the weakest; decision is the strongest power of man’s mind. Intellect before conception is the original cause of decision; and conclusion from sense allows decision to carry on after conception stops. Finally, as there is decision without conception, so there is conception without decision. The main purpose of logic is to direct us how out of decisions to structure the conclusion indicated by conversation; and this is one point which conceptual logic has given to the science of conclusion. But why mess up the additional intellectual analysis of inference by assuming that conceptions are elements of decision and therefore of inference, which thus becomes just a composite mixture of conceptions, an addition of ideas? The mistake has been to convert three process of mind into three procedures in a fixed orderâ€â€conception, decision, conclusion. Conception and decision are judgments: conclusion alone is a process, from decisions to decision, from judgments to judgment. Sense, not conception, is the origin of judgment. Conclusion is the procedure which from decisions about sensible things proceeds to judgments about things alike to rational things. Though some formations are its surroundings and some decisions its sources, conclusion itself in its inference causes many more decisions and formations. Finally, inference is an extension, not of ideas, but of beliefs, at first about existing things, after-wards about ideas, and even about words; about anything in short about which we think, in what is too fancifully called â€Å"the universe of discourse. †Formal logic has occurred out of the constriction of conceptual logic. The science, of inference no doubt has to agree mainly with recognized truth or the steadiness of premises and closing. Real and formal, is a reliable, official rule of reliability becoming authentic rules of truth, when the premises are correct the stable conclusion is therefore true. The science of inference again correctly emphasizes the official thoughts of the syllogism in which the combination of premises connects the conclusion. The question of logic is how we suppose in fact, as well as entirely; and we cannot appreciate inference if we believe in inferences of probability of all kinds. The study of analogical and inductive inference is essential to that of the syllogism, because they find out the premises of syllogism. The proper thinking of syllogism is simply an essential outcome; but when its premises are essential principles, its conclusions are not only essential consequents but also essential truths. Hence the mode in which induction assisted by identification finds out necessary values must be considered by the logician in order to make a decision when the syllogism can actually turn up necessary conclusions. The science of inference has for its subject the appearance, or procedure, of consideration, but not its material or substance. But it does not pursue that it can examine the former without the latter. Formal logicians say, if they had to think the matter, they must also think all things, which would be unfeasible, or choose some, which would be illogical. But there is a transitional option, which is neither unfeasible nor illogical; namely, to believe the broad divisions and main beliefs of all things; and without this general deliberation of the material the logician cannot know the structure of consideration, which consists in representing inferences about things on these general values. Finally, the science of inference is not certainly the science of feeling, recall and knowledge, but at the similar time it is the science of using those cerebral operations as data of conclusion; and, if logic does not illustrate how analogical and inductive inferences straightforwardly, and deductive conclusion indirectly, arising from precedent experience, it becomes a science of simple thoughts without knowledge. Logic is connected to all the sciences, because it believes the frequent inferences and changeable methods used in exploring diverse subjects. But it is most intimately connected to the sciences of metaphysics and psychology, which outlines with it a chord of sciences. Metaphysics is the science of being in common, and therefore of the things which turn into objects held by our minds. Psychology is the science of intellect in general, and therefore of the psychological process, of which inference is one. Logic is the science of the procedure of inference. These three sciences, the objects of mind, the operations of mind, the processes used in the inferences of mind, are in a different way, but directly related, so that they are frequently perplexed. The genuine point is their interdependence, which is so close that one sign of great philosophy is a reliable metaphysics, psychology and logic. If the world of things is recognized to be partially material and partially mental, then the mind must have powers of intelligence and conclusion allowing it to know these things, and there must be procedures of conclusion moving us from and further than the sensible to the insensible world of substance and intellect. If the whole world of things is substance, process and procedure of mind are themselves material. If the complete world of things is mind, operations and procedures of mind have only to be familiar with their like all the world over. It is clear then that a man’s metaphysics and psychology must color his logic. It is therefore essential to the logician to know earlier the universal difference and values of things in metaphysics, and the mental operations of intelligence, formation, memory and experience in psychology, so as to find out the procedure of inference from experience about things in logic. The interdependence of this chord of sciences has from time to time led to their bewilderment. Hegel, having recognized being with thought, combined metaphysics in logic. But he separated logic into objective and subjective, and thus almost admitted that there is one science of the objects and another of the procedure of thought. Psychologists, seeing that conclusion are a psychological process; often manage a theory of conclusion to the disregard of logic. But we have a dual awareness of conclusion. We are aware of it as one operation amongst many, and of its omnipresence, so to articulate, to all the rest. But we are also aware of the procedure of the operation of inference. To a definite extent this subsequent awareness pertains to other operations: for example, we are aware of the process of association by which a variety of mental sources evoke ideas in the mind. But how modest does the psychologist identify the relationship of ideas, evaluated with what the logician has exposed about the procedures of conclusion. The truth is that our main awareness of all psychological operations is scarcely equivalent to our secondary awareness of the processes of the one operation of inference from premises to conclusions infusing long trains and including entire sciences. This complex consciousness of inferential progression is the explanation of logic as a distinct science. But it is not the entire technique of logic, which also and rightly thinks the psychological process essential to language, without replacing linguistic for psychological distinctions. Nor are awareness and linguistic analysis all the appliances of the logician. Logic has to believe the things we know, the minds by which we know them from intelligence, remembrance and experience to inference, and the sciences which arranges and expands our information of things; and having measured these facts, the logician must build such a science of conclusion as will clarify the control and the poverty of human information. Logic is the study of the methods and principles used to distinguish correct reasoning from incorrect reasoning. There are objectives criteria with which correct reasoning may be defined. If these criteria are not known then they cannot be used. The aim of the study of logic is to discover and make available those criteria that can be used to test arguments and to sort good arguments from the bad ones. The study of logic is likely to improve the quality of one’s reasoning for another reason. It gives the opportunity to practice the analysis of arguments and the evaluation of arguments and the construction of arguments of one’s own. With the methods and techniques in logic we can distinguish efficiently between correct and incorrect reasoning. BIBLIOGRAPHY †¢ Probability Theory: The Logic of Science by E. T. Jaynes http://bayes. wustl. edu/etj/prob/book. pdf#search=%22Logic%20as%20a%20science%22.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Mud crab
I. Problem/QuestionThere is currently an increasing commercial viability of mud crabs especially in subtropical countries. However, due to seasonal factors affecting the spawning of these species, there a need to develop methods for â€Å"year-around larval production†(Zeng, 2007, p. 1478-1479) arises. There are no current techniques that would enable this process. Therefore, this study investigated on the feasibility of out-of-season mud crab spawning induction. It also determined whether in vitro incubation of eggs is possible. An evaluation of the temperature effects on the rates of embryonic development of mud crabs was also conducted. This is in order to provide predicted dates of hatching for berried mud crab females (Zeng, 2007, p. 1478-1479). II. Experimental procedures/MethodThe researchers kept female individuals of S. paramamosain in 1000L tanks. These holding tanks contained seawater, filtered with sand, with constant salinity of 29-32 g/L but with uncontrolle d temperature between 10-30  °C. In order to determine the â€Å"proximate maturation index (PMI)†(Zeng, 2007, p. 1479), crab ovarian development was regularly checked every fortnight using a calliper to measure the width of the strip of light in the carapace when shone with bright light from underneath (Zeng, 2007, p. 1479).The induction experiment was started with the random selection of mature subjects with
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Best Movies of the Summer essays
The Best Movies of the Summer essays Comedy. Action packed. Great story line. These are some qualities that the best movies of the summer have. Some examples of the best movies of the summer are freaky Friday, Terminator 3,and Freddy vs. Jason. One reason why Freddy vs. Jason is one of the best movies of the summer is because of its music. Music is a great quality because it gives the scene you are watching a lot more excitement. For example when ever you see a scene from Freddy vs. Jason ,when one of them is about to pop out the music gets louder and louder. In my opinion I think that is a great quality. One reason why freaky Friday is one of the best movies of the summer is its comedy. In that movie all you do is sit there and laugh. For example when ever people fight in that movie something that they dont want to happen to them always does an the expressions on their faces are actually funny that is another great quality of the best movies of the summer. One reason why Terminator 3 is a great movie is its action. In that movie there is a lot of fighting between robots and man kind. The way they look fighting is great. for example when Arnold is fighting with the robots they have great flexibility that normal people dont have. That is why T3, Freaky Friday, and Freddy vs. Jason were some of the best movies of the summer. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Using the Spanish Pronoun ‘Nada’
Using the Spanish Pronoun ‘Nada’ Nada is the usual Spanish pronoun meaning nothing- but because double negatives are common in Spanish, the word nada can often be translated as anything. Nada Meaning Nothing When nada indeed means nothing, usually as the subject of a sentence, the use of nada is straightforward for English speakers: Nada es mejor que la maternidad. (Nothing is better than motherhood.)Nada es ms importante en este momento de nuestra historia. (Nothing is more important at this time in our history.)Nada puede cambiarme. (Nothing can change me.)Nada tiene ms vida que las cosas que se recuerdan. (Nothing has more life than the things that are remembered.)Nada es lo que parece. (Nothing is what it seems.)No quiero participar en la discusià ³n sobre nada importante. (I dont want to participate in the discussion about nothing important.) When the Verb With Nada Is Negated However, when nada is the object of a verb, it is normal for the verb itself to be negated. Therefore, when translating such sentences, you usually have to translate nada as anything or something similar, or use the verb in a positive form. In the following examples, either translation is acceptable: No hay nada ms. (There isnt anything more. There is nothing more.)Este congreso no sirve para nada. (This Congress isnt worth anything. This Congress is worthless.)El manifestante hablà ³ dos horas sin decir nada. (The protester spoke for two hours without saying anything. The protester spoke for two hours and said nothing.)No hay nada ms grande que proteger los nià ±os. (There is nothing more important than protecting children. There isnt anything more important than protecting children.He decidido que no quiero comer nada con conservantes o aditivos. (I have decided I dont want to eat anything with preservatives or additives. I have decided I want to eat nothing with preservatives or additives.)No me gusta nada. (I dont like anything. I like nothing. Technically, nada is the subject of this sentence, but the double-negative rule still applies.) Using Nada for Emphasis Sometimes youll hear nada used as an adverb, where (after taking the double negative into account) it is usually used as an intensifier and thus can mean not at all: Mi hermano no estudia nada y no ayuda nada en casa. (My brother doesnt study at all nor help out at home at all.)Si tengo paraguas no corro nada. (If I have an umbrella I dont run at all.)No aprendà nada difà cil. (I didnt learn anything difficult at all.) Using Nada in Questions In questions, nada is nearly always used with a negative verb:  ¿No ha estudiado nada de eso? (You havent studied any of that?) ¿No puede ver nada el nià ±o? (Cant the boy see anything?) ¿Por quà © no tenemos nada? (Why dont we have anything?) Phrases Using Nada Here are some common phrases using nada: ahà es nada (similar to no big deal, a way of emphasizing and downplaying something at the same time): Han estado casados por 50 aà ±os. Ahi es nada. (They have been married for 50 years. No big deal.) antes que nada (most importantly, above everything else): Antes que nada, queremos que viva. (Above everything, we want him to live.) de nada (unimportant, of little value): Traje a casa una monedas de nada. (I brought home some worthless coins.) The phrase de nada is also frequently used as the equivalent of youre welcome after gracias (thank you), similar to saying Its nothing after being thanked. como si nada (as if it were nothing): Despuà ©s de todo lo que dije, salià ³ como si nada. (After everything I told him, he left as if it were nothing.) nada como (nothing like): No hay nada como el hogar. (There is no place like home.) Avoiding Confusion With Conjugated Nadar Nada meaning nothing shouldnt be confused with nada, the third-person present indicative form of nadar, to swim: Nada todas las maà ±anas en la piscina. (She swims every morning in the swimming pool.)El atleta nada a casi nueve kilà ³metros por hora. (The athlete swims at almost nine kilometers an hour.)Nada en agua frà a como si nada. (She swims in cold water as if it were nothing.) Key Takeaways Nada is the Spanish word for nothing.Because of the ways negatives are used in Spanish, nada is sometimes translated as anything.Nada is sometimes used as a word of emphasis.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
International Human Resource Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Human Resource Analysis - Essay Example One of the most important responsibilities of the managers in any organisation is to create an effective organisational structure. One of the unique characteristics of this organisation is that, every individual is perfectly informed of his responsibilities and duties and the various processes of interactions and communication is very well synchronised (Business Insight, n.d.).Cognitive Capacity of the European Multinational CompanyIt is seen that as firms tend to expand their business internationally, managers face information processing demands. Multinational organisations are more equipped to identify and interpret critical information available all over the world. This is because operating in multiple shores has exposed them to a variety of foreign customer base, investors, and employee communities, cultural and sociological structures. Cultural heterogeneity is one area that this company has to take into consideration because it directly influences the company’s ability o f processing information, identifying environmental changes and reacting accordingly.Strategies of the European Multinational FMCG Company as a Multinational EnterpriseThere are several advantages that this company enjoys by having subsidiary branches in different parts of the world. Firstly, this company can achieve economies of scale and scope in the foreign country. This European FMCG company manufactures products in the domestic market and exports the good through agents in the foreign market.
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